Raise the River is a unique partnership of six U.S. and Mexican non-governmental organizations committed to restoring the Colorado River delta. Members include Pronatura Noroeste, Redford Center, Sonoran Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Restauremos el Colorado, A.C., and the National Audubon Society,

2024 Water Deliveries Announcement

Minute 323 Implementation Report, 2018

(May 7, 2020) — Release Announcement and Highlights of the Minute 323 Environmental Work Group Implementation Report

(7 de mayo de 2020)Boletín de Prensa y puntos claves del Reporte de Implementación del Acta 323 del Grupo de Trabajo Ambiental

Final Minute 319 Monitoring Report

(November 28, 2018) — Minute 319 Colorado River Limitrophe and Delta Environmental Flows Monitoring Final Report

2018 Accomplishments Report

Our Annual Report of accomplishments and progress, as of July 2018:  Part 1  Part 2

Minute 323 Adoption

Collaboration for the Colorado River Delta: Minute 323 Agreement boosts water security for Colorado River water users, continues Delta restoration

In the News

Opinion | Not Dried Up: US-Mexico Water Cooperation

(October 23, 2020) —A detailed and thoughtful review of the issues leading to the recent water crisis in Chihuahua, the political and social factors that have contributed to it, and the resolution. The Minutes, described as a hallmark of creative binational and subnational collaboration, are applauded for their recognition of the natural environment as a water user ( a global breakthrough), and the provision of environmental flows to restore riverine habitats in Mexico, with the United States financing the flows and environmental restoration in exchange for water stored at Lake Mead.  From Mexico Today/Reforma

Mexico Announces Agreement with US on Water Dispute

(October 23, 2020) — Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Thursday that his government reached an agreement with the United States, allowing Mexico to meet its treaty obligation to provide water to the neighboring country without causing shortages south of the border. From Latin American Herald Tribune

New agreement with US allows Mexico to meet water obligations

(October 22, 2020) — Reporting on the terms of the agreement to resolve the border conflict over water, in which the United States allows Mexico to settle its water debts using international dams and guarantees the supply of water for urban centers in the north of the country. From Mexico Daily News

Delta del Río Colorado oasis de aves migratorias

(October 19, 2020) — On average, more than 160 thousand species of birds visit the ideal conditions in the wetlands and river banks of San Luis Rio del Colorado each year. Featuring the work of Pronatura Noroeste. From la Voz de la Frontera

Arizona Daily Star, Casa Grande Dispatch win press awards

(October 15, 2020) — Announcement of The Arizona Daily Star and the Casa Grande Dispatch winning top honors in the Arizona Newspapers Association’s annual awards. These included the award for 2020 Journalists of the Year going to Ian James of The Arizona Republic, as well as for 1st Place, Best Feature Story, for Ian’s reporting on the work of Raise the River: “How a trickle of water is breathing life into the parched Colorado River Delta”. From The Hour

Río Colorado: un sitio para miles de aves migratorias

(10 de Octubre 2020) — October 10, World Migratory Bird Day, serves as a reminder of the urgency and importance of the conservation of habitats such as wetlands, lagoons, riparian corridors and any site with riparian vegetation. In the Colorado River Delta more than 160,000 birds fly through this important habitat each year. Featuring Pronatura Noroeste. From La Voz de la Frontera


(September 23, 2020) — An overview of Minutes 319 and 323, the Environmental Workgroup, and the successful cooperative relationship between the US and Mexico on Colorado River water sharing. From Maven’s Notebook

In the Colorado River Delta, Local Residents Revive Long-Dry Wetlands

(September 24, 2020) — Written by Peter Skidmore and featuring Yami Carrillo, Mike Vargas, and Gaby Coloca, this article tells how the community members restoring native habitat in El Chausse are also rebuilding pride in their natural environment. From Walton Family Foundation

The Water Tap: New study finds climate change will dry Colorado River even more than previously thought

(September 10, 2020) — As the climate warms and trees need to absorb additional water to counteract increasing evaporative loss, the amount of water left over to flow downriver will drop by 4 percent more than what previous models have calculated. From The Spectrum

Lake Mead and Lower Colorado River to Remain in Tier Zero Shortage for 2021

(August 25, 2020) — The Lower Basin water users have demonstrated they can conserve water at scale through system conservation and key partnerships. Their voluntary reductions have been substantial, are demonstrating that we can adapt to a shrinking water supply with water conservation. By Jennifer Pitt; From Audubon Website

National poll shows broad support for water solutions

(August 25, 2020) —The Water Hub at Climate Nexus partnered with Climate Nexus Polling, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication presented the results of a national poll to understand more about the water solutions voters support and the concerns that motivate them.

Press Release

Topline Results

Es necesario otro flujo pulso en el Río Colorado

(August 24, 2020) —Commentary by the ecologist ecóloga Martha Román encouraging the analysis of having another pulse flow as, 6 years ago, water was released in the bed of the Colorado River and that greatly helped the ecosystem with the flora and fauna of the site, she reasons. From La Voz de la Frontera

Beneficia ahorro de agua del Río Colorado ante sequía

(August 20, 2020) — Reporting that — despite the announcement by CILA of required reductions in water consumption — the amount will not have any material impact whether agricultural, commercial or domestic. Also noted is that the agricultural sector is the largest user of water, consuming 60 percent. From La Voz de la Frontera

Reclamation announces 2021 Colorado River operating conditions

(August 14, 2020) — The Bureau of Reclamation released the Colorado River Basin August 2020 24-Month Study, which sets annual operations for Lake Mead and Lake Powell in 2021. Based on projections in the Study, Lake Mead will operate in the Normal Condition in Calendar Year 2021 and Lake Powell will operate in the Upper Elevation Balancing Tier in Water Year 2021 (October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021).  From USBR Website

Anuncia CILA recorte de agua del Río Colorado por sequía

(August 14, 2020) — As part of an agreement between Mexico and the United States that dates back to 1942, the Mexicali Valley will be required to reduce their consumption of water from the Colorado River by 51 million cubic meters (M3), in order to generate savings, reported the International Boundary and Water Commission (CILA) in a statement. It is contemplated to apply to from 2021. From La Vox de la Frontera

New Senate Bill Threatens U.S.—Mexico Cooperation, Environment, and Birds of Lower Colorado River

(Updated August 21, 2020) — Thanks to Audubon and their network’s efforts to alert decision-makers to the consequences of S. 4228, the Water-Energy Technology Demonstration and Deployment Act. with its de facto mandate to operate the Yuma Desalting Plant, the CAWCD Board of Directors did not end up supporting the bill. By Jennifer Pitt; From Audubon Website

Congress and the Yuma Desalting Plant

(August 2, 2020) — An exploration of the environmental tradeoffs of operating the YDP, bu John Fleck, quoting Jennifer Pitt; every acre foot of water cleaned up at the YDP and put to some human use means a loss of water the Ciénega de Santa Clara, an environmental haven that is currently the beneficiary of the water that would otherwise go to the YDP. From John Fleck’s Blog

Remarkable Drop in Colorado River Water Use a Sign of Climate Adaptation

(June 23, 2020) —Use of Colorado River water in the three states of the river’s lower basin fell to a 33-year low in 2019, amid growing awareness of the precarity of the region’s water supply in a drying and warming climate. For water managers, the steady drop in water consumption in recent years is a signal that conservation efforts are working and that they are not helpless in the face of daunting environmental changes. From EcoWatch

For Now, No Border Wall For Arizona Tribe’s Colorado River Stretch

(June 15, 2020) — It’s not just tribes including the Cocopah Indians who are worried about what a wall could do to the landscape. Environmentalists like National Audubon Society’s Colorado River Program Director Jennifer Pitt say before agriculture, industry and cities, this delta was an oasis. “This area was once an ecosystem of somewhere between one and a half to two million acres of wetlands, riparian corridors and mud flats,” she said. From KUNC

La Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas tiene nuevo titular

(June 13, 2020) — Announcement of the appointment of Dr. Humberto Marengo Mogollón as the new commissioner of the Mexico section of the Sección Mexicana de la Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas entre México y Estados Unidos (CILA), effective June 15, 2020. The organization was created in 1889 by the U.S. and Mexico governments for the management of border and water issues between the two countries. From El Sol de Cuatal

Delta Fieldwork Under COVID-19

(May 21, 2020) —Details of how the staff of the Sonoran Institute in the Colorado River Delta are adapting to continue to care for Laguna Grande, our restoration site at the valley of Mexicali, Baja California. From Sonoran Institute

Restoring the Colorado River Delta

(May 8, 2020) — The back-story to the release of the EWG Implementation Report by Jennifer Pitt, detailing how building binational support brought water, trees, funding, and birds back to the Colorado River Delta. From Audubon.org website

Now, more than ever, we need tribes at the water negotiating table

(May 4, 2020) — Authored by Dennis Patch and Ted Kowalski, this OpEd discusses how a new study published in the journal Science found that global warming and climate change have led to an emerging “megadrought” in the western U.S. – and that the drought we’ve been experiencing over the last 20 years is as bad or worse than any in 1,200 years. The findings underscore the urgent necessity of work together to make progress for the environment, and this includes ensuring a seat at the table for the Tribal Nations which have historically been left out of the planning process.  From AZ Central

Native Plants Help Restore the Colorado River

(May 1, 2020) —Although this story highlights actions by the Audubon Society further north along the Colorado River in Yuma, it demonstrates the restorative impact of native plants in an ecosystem. From Audubon.org

Webinar: An Overview of the Colorado River for Birds and People with Audubon’s Jennifer Pitt

(April 21, 2020) — Jennifer Pitt, Audubon’s Colorado River program director, shares an overview of the big challenges on the Colorado River and some of the ways that Audubon’s staff and network are helping to find solutions for people and for birds and all of nature that depend on the Colorado River. From Audubon

How a trickle of water is breathing life into the parched Colorado River Delta

(April 20, 2020) — Resulting from the recent trip by Ian James to the Delta with Jennifer Pitt and Gaby Colaco, a wonderful article on the importance of Raise the River’s restoration work in the Delta. From AZ Central

Repost from WaterEducation.org

El seco Delta del Río Colorado va cobrando vida de nuevo ¿Cómo se está logrando esto?
<style=”padding-left: 40px;”>(April 27, 2020) — Version in Spanish of the Ian James article covering our work on the Colorado River Delta. From La Voz


(April 16, 2020) — Scientists have been warning for some time that climate change may be pushing the region toward an extreme long-term drought worse than any in recorded history. A new study —  based on modern weather observations, 1,200 years of tree-ring data and dozens of climate models — says a megadrought as bad or worse than anything even from known prehistory is very likely in progress, and warming climate is playing a key role. The study appears in the leading journal Science. From Press Release issued by The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Alumna que estudia el efecto del Río Colorado en el Golfo gana premio 1000-year Scholarship

(April 6, 2020) — For presenting her thesis entitled “Effects of the Colorado River on the hydrography of the northern Gulf of California – a numerical study”, Katerine Elsy Ticse de la Torre, received the annual 1000-year Scholarship award, awarded by the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT), for master’s and doctoral students in Mexico and the USA.  With her thesis, Elsy seeks to characterize the different effects that the Colorado River can cause in the hydrography of the northern Gulf of California, considering the outflow of water at its mouth. To do this, it uses a numerical simulation model that allows the hydrography of the gulf to be represented considering the river flow for a climatological year. From Zeta Tijuana

The Redford Center to Distribute Funds to Environmental Filmmakers

(April 1, 2020) — The Redford Center announced it will run its environmental Grants program as planned and open the call for proposals today. “Independent artists and filmmakers, particularly those working in documentary, are facing dramatic shifts to the industry and their livelihoods as a result of COVID-19,” said Jill Tidman, Executive Director of The Redford Center. “Every bit of support helps right now.” From PR Web

Excedente en Río Colorado: un respiro al corredor ripario

(March 23, 2020) —The Colorado River is currently receiving a surplus of water from the Hoover and Glen Canyon dams resulting from strong rainfall levels which have not been seen for over ten years. This additional water is bringing positive effects to the riparian corridor in its Delta, as it creates new habitat for birds and other species that are beginning to migrate, as well as provides recreational spaces for area residents. From Tribuna San Luis

Water use by Colorado farms remains high despite conservation

(March 10, 2020) — According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Colorado’s farm water use remains stubbornly high despite millions of dollars spent on experimental water-saving programs and a statewide push to conserve water. Farmers are the largest users of water in Colorado and other Western states. From The Gazette

‘This system cannot be sustained’

(March 10, 2020) —An interview and discussion about Colorado River water usage with representatives of the Ten Tribes Partnership, coalitions focused on getting increased tribal participation on Colorado River discussions. During 2020 renegotiation will begin on the Colorado River Interim Guidelines, which regulate the flow of water to users. They were created in 2007 without tribal consultation and are set to expire in 2026. The 29 tribal nations in the upper and lower basins hold some of the river’s most senior water rights and control around 20% of its annual flow. But the tribes have often been excluded from water policymaking; From High Country News

The Colorado River: How will states manage a drier future?

(March 5, 2020) — On Feb. 20, the Utah State University Center for Colorado River Studies hosted a presentation and panel discussion in Moab on research being conducted on and policies being considered for Lake Powell. Scientists, activists, authors, and historians shared their perspectives on various aspects of the river, the dam, and the reservoir as part of an effort by the Center for Colorado River Studies to help the public understand the complexity of the natural systems and political agreements surrounding the Colorado River. From Moab Sun News

To bridge the cultures of Mexico’s border region and a neglected Colorado neighborhood, just add water

(February 24, 2020) — Denver and its Mexican sister city — San Luis Rio del Colorado — hope to revitalize the Sun Valley neighborhood and Colorado River Delta with eco-parks despite water scarcity. The River Sisters Partnership is a collaborative that has set its sights on not only restoring river flow from the border to the sea, but also rehabilitating neglected neighborhoods including in San Luis. From The Colorado Sun

About 40 million people get water from the Colorado River. Studies show it’s drying up.

(February 22, 2020) —A new study published on Feb 20 in the journal Science, documented how climate change is sapping the Colorado River, and shows the river is so sensitive to warming that it could lose about one-fourth of its flow by 2050 as temperatures continue to climb. The research has major implications for how water is managed along the Colorado River, which provides water for about 40 million people and more than 5 million acres of farmland from Wyoming to Southern California.  From USA Today (via AZ Central)

Colorado River flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow energizes evaporation; (February 20, 2020) — Access to the research study referenced above (fee-based). From Science

Mexicali tendrá nuevo humedal artificial (Mexicali will have a new artificial wetland)

(February 4, 2020) — Mexicali will have a second artificial wetland within the “Las Arenitas” complex, located approximately 20 kilometers south of the city, where a body of water has already been operating for 13 years. In addition to treating waste, it also brings ecological benefits to the region. Francisco Zamora Arroyo, general director of the Sonoran Institute Mexico, provides advance details of the project that has resulted from the need to increase water treatment services due to the accelerated growth of the city. From La Voz de la Frontera (ESP)

Reducción en entrega del Río Colorado afectará 4 mil 400 has en Valle de Mexicali

(January 11, 2020) —(translated from Spanish): During 2020 — and for the first time since 1944 when the International Water Treaty between Mexico and the United States was signed— the United States will reduce the delivery of water from the Colorado River) to Mexico in the amount of 51 million cubic meters, said CILA representativeFrancisco Bernal. This was established by both the US and Mexico governments in Minute 323 as well as in the Binational Contingency Plan. From InfoRural

Planning for a future with less Colorado River water

January 9, 2020 — A conversation with John Fleck and Eric Kuhn, authors of the new book “Science Be Dammed: How Ignoring Inconvenient Science Drained the Colorado River.” From NPR

Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health

(January 9, 2020) — A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Now, policymakers, employers, and healthcare providers are increasingly considering the human need for nature in how they plan and operate.  From YaleEnvironment360

Who should pay for water conservation in the West? Water managers wade into discussion

(December 30, 2019) — A discussion of the challenges, potential solutions, and costs of addressing the increased demand on water and climate change — both key issues affecting the Colorado River. Based on sessions at the CRWUA congress in early December.  From Aspen Journalism

The Colorado River Is Overcommitted. Here’s Why — And What We Can Do About It

(December 19, 2019) —A summary and review of the new book “Science Be Damned,” by authors John Fleck and Eric Kuhn, which lays out the history of how the Colorado River was divided. From NPR/KJZZ

Water Managers Consider The Future Of The Colorado River

(December 17, 2019) — Reporting on the news and discussions which took place at CRWUA 2019, by KUNC’s Luke Runyon. One of the main directives is to be more inclusive of tribal leaders, environmental groups, non-governmental organizations and others interested in the management of the Colorado River. From NPR/Nevada Public Radio

With Drought Plans Finished, Water Managers Pause Colorado River Negotiations

(December 17, 2019) — Luke Runyon reporting on highlights from the Colorado River Water Users Association annual conference, which brought together nearly every municipal water agency, irrigation district, Native American tribe and environmental group that relies on the Colorado River. One such featured content: “There are some much larger challenges that we need to face,” said Jennifer Pitt, the National Audubon Society’s Colorado River program director. “We don’t know what the weather will be like in the next couple of decades, but we do know that the warming trend is going to dry the basin out.” From KUNC, NPR

US Officials to Review Deal on Sharing Colorado River Water

(December 13, 2019) — Federal water managers are starting to review a crucial 2007 agreement for seven Western states to share drought-diminished water supplies from the Colorado River ahead of talks about revising and renewing it beginning in 2026. U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt asked for a report to be delivered in Dec 2020, as the critical agreement expires in December 2025, and the review will provide a foundation for talks about “what’s worked and what’s not worked.” From US News & World Report

Building a Positive Water Future: Western Water Highlights in 2019

(December 17, 2019) — Audubon is building a positive water future with policy agreements, thought leadership, and science—protecting people and birds in the arid West. Here are 2019’s highlight, including the recognition of Jennifer Pitt, Audubon’s Colorado River Program Director, who was honored with a leadership award for her visionary Colorado River work. By Karen Stockdale, from Audubon

US water chief praises Colorado River deal, sees challenges

(December 12, 2019) — States in the U.S. West that have agreed to begin taking less water next month from the drought-stricken Colorado River got praise and a push for more action from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman.  From AP

Water cutbacks set to begin under deal designed to ‘buy down risk’ on Colorado River

(December 10, 2019) — Reporting from CRWUA on how Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico will start taking less water from the Colorado River in January as a hard-fought set of agreements kicks in to reduce the risk of reservoirs falling to critically low levels. From Arizona Republic

Nature’s Role in Advancing Climate Ambition

(December 5, 2019) — Hear from The Nature Conservancy’s experts on the importance of climate action in Latin America and how coastal wetlands can play a unique role in reducing countries’ carbon emissions. From Facebook Live— TNC

 Survival by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink

(December 2019) — Explore Audubon’s new Birds and Climate Visualizer, a first-of-its-kind zip-code-based climate tool that paints the picture of what climate change will mean for the birds you see in your local community. Audubon scientists took advantage of 140 million observations, recorded by birders and scientists, to describe where 604 North American bird species live today—an area known as their “range.” They then used the latest climate models to project how each species’ range will shift as climate change and other human impacts advance across the continent. From Audubon

How Countries Manage Water: Mexico

(October 21, 2019) — A detailed look at Mexico’s top water-related challenges – and the government’s efforts to address them. From Americas Quarterly

Siembran 800 árboles en zona de restauración en el Valle de San Luis

(20 de Octubre) —Reporting on the recent tree planting day in Miguel Aleman which promotes the caring of the local environment by the local families of San Luis. This event organized by Pronatura Noroeste is part of the effort to restore 35 hectares of green areas along the riparian corridor of the Colorado River. From Tribuna de San Luis

Climate Change is Water Change

(October 8, 2019) — Podcast episode of We Are Rivers, which builds on our understanding of the science behind climate change. In this episode, an exploration of how no corner of the globe is spared from the impacts of climate change, including the Southwest and Colorado River Basin. From American Rivers

We pump too much water out of the ground—and that’s killing our rivers

(October 2, 2019) —Groundwater is being removed much faster than it can be replenished. According to a new study, water levels are dropping so much in certain rivers and streams that they are in danger of crossing a critical environmental threshold which endangers the flora and fauna of freshwater systems. Featuring Eloise Kendy, a freshwater scientist at the Nature Conservancy.  From National Geographic

In a New Netflix Film, the U.S.-Mexico Border Brings Birds and People Together

(October 2, 2019) —Although this documentary is focused on another river that crosses the U.S.-Mexico border, the story it tells is the same as what we witness in the Colorado River delta: it is a convening point for migratory birds and a place of unity and common ground for those who love them. From Audubon

Our Filmmaker on Conservation, Good Stories and Tough Shots

(September 26, 2019) — An inspiring profile of Andrew Quinn, an independent filmmaker who has worked on all of Sonoran Institute’s major videos—including Renewal, and Seeds of Change. Speaking on the changes he has witnessed in the Colorado Delta over the years of filming there, he says: “The obvious change is in the square kilometers of native habitat that Sonoran Institute and its partners have created. A head-high sea of lifeless, dusty salt cedar has been replaced by towering cottonwoods, willows, and mesquite that break the horizon like a yellow-green mirage as you approach from miles away.”  From Sonoran Institute Blog

Birds Are Vanishing From North America

(September 19, 2019) —The number of birds in the United States and Canada has fallen by 29 percent since 1970, scientists reported in the journal Science. The new study, based on a broad survey of more than 500 species, reveals steep losses even among such traditionally abundant birds as robins and sparrows, and is attributed to many causes, the most important of which include habitat loss and wider use of pesticides. From the New York Times

Eyes in the Sky Help Farmers on the Ground

(September 18, 2019) — Aerial imaging companies using high-resolution cameras and artificial intelligence data analysis are giving the agricultural community a high-tech boost. And if this is benefiting agriculture, why not restoration?!! From the New York Times

How do we sustain the Colorado River past 2026? Here’s how Arizona intends to find out

(September 13 2019) — OpEd piece by Tom Buschatzke and Ted Cooke praising the success of the DCP, and reporting that almost half of the 22-foot rise in Lake Mead since its signing has been due to storage and contributions to system conservation.While encouraging, the authors stated that there is the need to continue to work together in exploring new approaches for the next iteration of the guidelines, as the current set expires in 2026. From AZCentral

Aspen joins water managers using new technologies to map mountain snowpack, predict streamflows

(September 9, 2019) — As a changing climate renders streamflow predictions less accurate, water managers are turning to new technologies for a clearer picture of what’s happening in their basin’s snowpack. These include remote-sensing lasers from airplanes to map the snowpack in the surrounding watershed, with flights provided by the  NASA’s Airborne Snow Observatory  From The Aspen Times

Otra vez fluye agua por el rio Colorado

(September 9, 2019) —   From Semanario El Pionero

Repairs started on Bypass Drain

(September 9, 2019) — Details about the repair work underway on the Bypass Canal and its temporary impact on the waterways and wetlands in the region, including an interview with Jennifer Pitt. “The irrigation discharge water’s high salt content is the reason it’s transported separately instead of allowed to flow back into the river, and it is not suitable for humans to drink or swim in. Warning signs will be posted in the area south of Morelos Dam, where the water will be diverted.” From the Yuma Sun

Water to Flow in Colorado River Delta Again

(September 4, 2019) — Announcement of the maintenance repairs to the MODE Canal, and a discussion of how important the water that regularly flows through it is to the Cienega de Santa Clara; by Jennifer Pitt. From the Audubon Website; Version in Spanish

Reclamation to begin maintenance activities on the Bypass Canal

(September 3, 2019) —Reclamation announced that repair work to the U.S. Bypass Drain will begin on September 5. This work has been coordinated with Mexico through the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, and will include monitoring of water flows, wildlife, and vegetation in both countries.  From Bureau of Reclamation Newsroom

Also published here:

Reclamation To Begin Maintenance Activities On The Bypass Canal

(September 3, 2019) —Reclamation announced recently that repairs to the U.S. Bypass Drain began on September 5, work which has been coordinated with Mexico through the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, and will include monitoring of water flows, wildlife and vegetation in both countries. From Water Online

Repairs to the U.S. Bypass Drain to begin

(September 3, 2019) —Reporting on the announcement by Reclamation of the initiation of repair work on the ByPass canal, and the rerouting of the agricultural runoff into the Colorado River. From KYMA, Yuma News

How to save the Colorado River from climate change and chronic overuse

(September 3, 2019) —Every single drop of Colorado River water is currently spoken for, used by cities, farms and industry across the western U.S. and Mexico. In most years, the river goes dry before it reaches the Gulf of California, and demand for its water is only expected to increase as populations grow in cities across the Southwest. This article discusses how some of the western states are coming up with innovative ways to save water. From TIME — and, by TNC Intern Lucas Isakowitz.

Colorado River: The West’s precious, but limited resource

(August 30, 2019) — OpEd by Brenda Burman, commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, praising the cooperation among the Western States regarding the management of Colorado River water. Burman encourages continued collaboration, as well as seeking innovative water management solutions for today and future generations. From The Hill

Mexico facing ‘water zero’

(August 30, 2019) — According to a new report by the global research organization, World Resources Institute (WRI), Mexico is one of a growing list of countries deemed most at risk of hitting “Day Zero” when they no longer have enough water to meet citizen needs. Includes a discussion of the new agreement on the Las Arenitas Wastewater Treatment Plant as an innovative way to help bring more water to the region; and the importance of cross-border cooperation. From AZ Big Media 

Managing rivers across boundaries for the benefit of all (World Water Week video)

(August 29, 2019) — Video discussion from the World Water Week conference on how the U.S. and Mexico accomplished the process of entering into an agreement to better manage water supplies between the two countries to deal with climate change. Featuring Brenda Burman, Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Jayne Harkins, Commissioner of the International Boundary Waters Commission; and Francisco Edwardo del Rio Lope, Mexico’s Ambassador to Sweden. From SIWI/World Water Week

Report: Climate change still a threat to over-tapped Colorado River

(August 27, 2019) Despite a good year for snowfall this past season, the Colorado River still remains at risk. Climate change doesn’t mean the American West will be hot and dry all the time. Extreme swings in weather are expected as part of a changing climate — something Udall has called “weather whiplash.” From Grand Canyon News

Comparing Apples to Apples: Towards Better Communication using a Common Language for Water

(August 19, 2019) — Announcement of an initiative to develop a common language for water, and a call for participation. This will include the standardization of water accounting terminology and metrics to create a common water accounting framework for all users, in all contexts, and at all scales – from facility to water catchment. This will facilitate collaborative action and help achieve improved water outcomes for all.  From Pacific Institute

Integrating Water Conservation into Business Strategy

(August 19, 2019) — Todd Reeve writes on the encouraging news about more businesses stepping up to develop water initiatives and supporting water conservation projects. It links to a new article” From Corporate Water Risk to Value Creation”, which demonstrates how water conservation is a winning strategy for business. From Triple Pundit

First-ever mandatory water cutbacks will kick in next year along the Colorado River

(August 15, 2019) —The federal Bureau of Reclamation activated the mandatory reductions in water deliveries when it released projections showing that as of Jan. 1, 2020 the level of Lake Mead will sit just below a threshold that triggers the cuts.   Featuring comments by Jennifer Pitt of National Audubon Society. From AZCentral

Guest Commentary: A wet year has filled our reservoirs but we must prepare for the drought to come

(August 14, 2019) — OpEd by Ted Kowalski regarding the Reclamation announcement on mandatory water reductions — and the opportunity provided by the collaboration and the resulting implementation of the DCPs for the long-term health of the River.  From Denver Post

Turning Waste into Water

(August 2019) — Announcement of the Las Arenitas Agreement, including the history of this unique project and its benefits for the environment. “The most important lesson that we have taken away from this process is that we can all win: the people, the institutions and the environment,” says Isaac Vizzuett Herrera, the public services commission’s sub-director of sanitation and water. Herrera is hoping to take the lessons learned in Las Arenitas and apply them to other communities in Baja California that are struggling with wastewater treatment. By Lucas Isakowitz. From The Nature Conservancy Website

Restoring the Colorado River Delta

(August 1, 2019) — While the Colorado River Delta estuary has been a damaged ecosystem for years, due to the lack of fresh water flowing down the river, the new Las Arenitas Agreement provides new hope. “An estuary, by definition, is where the fresh water from the land meets the salt water from the ocean, and so without fresh water, you just can’t have a functional estuary,” says Dale Turner. By Lucas Isakowitz. From The Nature Conservancy Website

Drought contingency plans embrace water marketing

(July 22, 2019) — OpEd about the practicality and advisability of utilizing water markets — the reallocation of water from one user to another through the sale or lease of water rights — for addressing water shortages in the American West. From Arizona Daily Star

Western states buy time with a 7-year Colorado River drought plan, but face a hotter, drier future

(July 16, 2019) — Op-Ed by Brad Udall, Douglas Kenney, and John Fleck warning of the impact of climate change on the already-shrinking and insufficient water supply in the US Southwest — and, that as welcome as the Drought Contingency Plan may be, it is only a temporary solution. They make their case for why long-term perspectives and planning are needed.  From the Colorado Sun

Las Arenitas Agreement Signed

(July 1, 2019) CESPM signed the agreement for the Las Arenitas project on July 1, with remaining partners signing in the following days. The news was announced by way of the Facebook pages of CESPM and CONAGUA:

— CESPM story, July 1:

— CONAGUA, video story, July 1:

Guardiana de los árboles

(June 29, 2019) — Lovely profile of Cele (Celedonia Alvarado Camacho), local resident in the Mexicali region, who as the supervisor of the production and planting of restoration site seedlings, has become known as the “guardian of the trees”.   From El Imparcial

Analysis: Climate change is shrinking the Colorado River

(June 29, 2019) — — In this reporting of a study conducted by respected researchers Brad Udall and Jonathan Overpeck, they conclude that one-third of the flow decline in the Colorado River was likely due to higher temperatures in the Colorado River’s Upper Basin, which result from climate change — a distinction that matters because climate change is causing long-term warming that will continue for centuries.  From the Pueblo Chieftain

Is the Grand Canyon for Sale? | Pete McBride 

(June 27, 2019) — Raise the River friend and National Geographic photographer Pete McBride and writer Kevin Fedarkounder took a 750-mile trek on foot through America’s most iconic national park to witness its sublime beauty as well as learn how commercial developments are poised to change it. In this talk he explores how we are passing “America’s best idea”—its national park system—forward to the next generation while balancing the demands for access with conservation. From TEDxDartmouth

Observations: John Wesley Powell, Great Explorer of the American West

(June 26, 2019) —A fascinating retelling of Powell’s trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon and his resulting, prescient, recommendations on land and water management in the West. From Scientific American

OPINION | Colorado’s booming outdoor recreation economy depends on a healthy river system

(June 21, 2019) —OpEd reflecting the initiative by leaders of the outdoor recreation industry participating in the annual Outdoor Retailer Summer Market held in Denver, on how to use its collective voice to advocate for the health of our rivers. From Colorado Politics

Se benefician sanluisinos con agua del río Colorado

(June 17, 2019) — Featuring Juliana Dimas, coordinator of community involvement for Pronatura Noroeste. From Tribuna de San Luis

Crean bosque nativo en pleno desierto

(June 9, 2019) — The conservation of our environment is possible when everyone collaborates. The first step is to get to know and appreciate nature. For this reason, we are pleased to see the local authorities taking part in the restoration activities for the Colorado River. From Tribuna de San Luis

On Stressed Colorado River, States Test How Many More Diversions Watershed Can Bear

(June 7, 2019) — Using the Gross Dam Reservoir project as an example, this article examines how water managers are able to look at the entire Colorado River watershed and recognize its fundamental supply and demand imbalance, and still find ways to siphon off new supplies in smaller pockets. It’s one of the conundrums of Colorado River governance. No one agency or commission exists to think of and manage the system as a whole. Part of ongoing coverage of the Colorado River watershed, produced by KUNC and supported through a Walton Family Foundation grant. From NPR/KUNC https://www.kunc.org/post/stressed-colorado-river-states-test-how-many-more-diversions-watershed-can-bear#stream/0

Connecting the drops: Scientists take a census of water

(May 30, 2019) —To help answer questions surrounding the water supply available from the rivers, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is embarking upon the first National Water Census, a massive project that aims to take stock of our nation’s water supply. One of their first areas of focus is the Colorado River basin, and they state that the data may even prove helpful for scientists working to restore impoverished ecosystems like the Colorado Delta. From NASA/EarthData:

The Colorado River’s Biggest Challenge Looms

(May 29, 2019) — Colorado River expert John Fleck explains why he believes that despite the agreement finalized by the states that share the river’s water last month, an even larger challenge determining the river’s future lies ahead.  From The Revelator:https://therevelator.org/colorado-river-fleck/

150 Years After John Wesley Powell Ventured Down The Colorado River, How Should We Assess His Legacy In The West?

(May 23, 2019) — A Q&A with the University of Colorado’s Charles Wilkinson on John W, Powell, water, and the American West.
From Water Education Foundation

‘These are parks’: Signs of life returning to the depleted Colorado River Delta

(May 22, 2019) — An exploration of the Raise the River restoration sites Laguna Grande and El Chausse, and how they came to be, converting desert landscapes into green park-like sites. Featuring Karen Schlatter of Sonoran Institute, Adrian Salcedo of Restauremos El Colorado, Jennifer Pitt of Audubon Society, and Alejandra Calvo of Pronatura Noroeste. Part of a series on the Colorado River delta, and part of an ongoing project covering the Colorado River watershed, produced by KUNC and supported through a Walton Family Foundation grant.  From Arizona PBS

As the Colorado River Basin dries, can an accidental oasis survive?

(May 21, 2019) —Feature article about the Ciénega de Santa Clara wetland, which was born in 1977 when the U.S. began draining salty agricultural runoff to the Santa Clara slough, near the Gulf of California, creating this oasis in the middle of the Sonoran Desert. But if water is deemed too scarce to waste any, flows to la Cienega could stop. A discussion of the Yuma desalination plant is also included. According to Pronatura’s Juan Butrón-Méndez, the only way to prevent the Ciénega from being harmed is for more people to know about it. Part of a series on the Colorado River delta, and part of an ongoing project covering the Colorado River watershed, produced by KUNC and supported through a Walton Family Foundation grant.  From Arizona PBS

This drought plan saves Colorado River water. But it’s about much more than that

(May 20, 2019) — Opinion piece authored by Lukas and Rob Walton, who lead the environmental committee of the Walton Family Foundation, praising the signing of the DCPs, saying the agreement proves that communities can still protect their own interests while recognizing and protecting the needs of their neighbors and the health of the environment. They also point out that the United States and Mexico, which both have high stakes in the well-being of the Colorado River ecosystem, were able to come together for the health of the river and the communities that depend on it. From Arizona Central: 

Department of the Interior and States Sign Historic Drought Agreements to Protect Colorado River

(May 20, 2019) —The Bureau of Reclamation and representatives from all seven Colorado River Basin states gathered today at Hoover Dam and signed completed drought contingency plans for the Upper and Lower Colorado River basins, designed to reduce risks from ongoing drought and protect the single most important water resource in the western United States. From Benzinga;   From PRWeb: 

Final 100 miles of the Colorado highlight how badly the river is overtaxed

(May 20, 2019) — The Colorado River’s inability to complete its journey from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of California (also called the Sea of Cortez) has become one of its defining characteristics. Its historic delta, once a haven for birds and mammals in the Sonoran Desert, is a shell of its former self. This story explains how it came to be this way, and what is being done now, featuring Jennifer Pitt.  Part of a series on the Colorado River delta, and part of an ongoing project covering the Colorado River watershed, produced by KUNC and supported through a Walton Family Foundation grant.  From Arizona PBS

Raise The River: Progress on the Colorado River Delta

(May 17, 2019) — Facebook photo album of the Redford Center’s trip to the Laguna Grande restoration site in the Colorado Delta. It was the first time in five years the team behind the film Watershed had been in the region, where they witnessed the progress that’s been made possible by the devotion and cooperation of Raise the River coalition members and the community that supports their efforts. From The Redford Center Facebook

The Great Race Between Water Conservation and Climate Change

(May 15, 2019) —During the past four decades in the U.S., our overall water use declined by 25% and is expected to continue to decline on a per-capita basis. However, when projections from climate change models are factored in, rising temperatures will drive substantially greater needs for more water in crop and landscape irrigation, and in heightened electricity demands. Total water use will increase by 22% as our population grows by 44% by 2060, creating enormous additional risk of water shortages in many parts of the country. From: Sustainable Waters

Connecting the drops

(May 10, 2019) — Exploring the question: is the dry Colorado River Delta a scene that will be played out again and again across the country as we continue to overuse our most precious resource? To help find the answers, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is embarking upon the first National Water Census, a massive project that aims to take stock of our nation’s water supply, and one of their first areas of focus is the Colorado River basin.  From Earthdata/ NASA

Why restoring the Colorado River Delta matters |

(May 8, 2019) — By Karen Schlatter, this looks back at how the 2014 pulse flow was a powerful example of nations, states, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), water users, and communities coming together to restore a river and its delta, despite all odds, and the positive impacts that have resulted from it, both in terms of rebuilding bird populations and positively impacting human communities.
 From Zukus.net / Mother Nature Network

Audubon’s Jennifer Pitt Honored with Leadership Award for Colorado River Work

(April 29, 2019) — Congratulations Jennifer! Audubon’s Colorado River Program Director Jennifer Pitt was honored by Water Education Colorado as the 2019 recipient of the Diane Hoppe Leadership award this past weekend, for her leadership on the Colorado River.  From the Audubon Western Water News

Video:  The Delta

(April 29, 2019) — Wonderful video story of our work in the Colorado River Delta, from the pulse flow until today, featuring interviews with Karl Flessa, Gaby Gonzalez of Sonoran Institute, Alberto Ruiz of Pronatura, and others.From Arizona Illustrated’s Facebook page:

Colorado River’s biggest champion: Walmart heirs

(April 17, 2019) — A discussion of the unparalleled contribution that the Walton Family Foundation is making to the conservation and restoration of the Colorado River — resulting in supporters, as well as those who question the growing influence of the contributions in the region. “The Walton Family Foundation recognizes how critical a healthy Colorado River is to the entire Southwest and to the benefit of the environment,” stated Ted Kowalski, the foundation’s Colorado River leader.  From E&E-News 

Trump Signs Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan

(April 16, 2019) — On April 16, Trump signed the drought contingency plan which impacts 40 million Colorado River water users in the West, a milestone following years of negotiations between the states, Mexico, and stakeholders in the river’s water. From NPR/Arizona Public Media

With The Drought Contingency Plan Through Congress, Some Argue Attention Should Turn To Water Conservation Efforts

(April 10, 2019) — John Shepard, program director for the Sonoran Institute, was interviewed about the importance of water conservation in the now congressionally-approved Drought Contingency Plan… From KJZZ

Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is Necessary Now

(March 26, 2019) — Jointly-authored opinion piece by state, national, and NGO partners urging a rapid approval of the DCP by Congress. It also addresses the absence of the Imperial Irrigation District & a management plan for the Salton Sea in the agreement as currently written, and argues that is no reason to delay or derail the DCP. From the Desert Sun

‘Mission-Oriented Colorado River Veteran Takes the Helm as the US Commissioner of IBWC

(March 14, 2019) — Interview with Jayne Harkins, IBWC Commissioner about her new mission, trans-border pollution, and addressing Colorado River shortages with Mexico. From Water Education

Forget Trump’s Border Wall. Let’s Build F.D.R.’s International Park.

(March 14, 2019) — Opinion piece by Dan Reicher proposing the revival of an idea and various efforts over the years to build a great international park along the US southern border that connects rather than divides the U.S. and Mexico. “if there ever was a moment for it, this is it…”  From the New York Times 

Why Drought Contingency Plan ‘Deadlines’ Don’t Tell The Full Story

(March 4, 2019) —Review and discussion of the various ’deadlines’ which have been set for the affected states to complete the Colorado River water users’ drought contingency plans. If not completed, an alternative plan would be developed by the federal Department of the Interior. From NPR/KUNC

We can plan for a ‘leaner’ Colorado River as we save the Salton Sea

(March 1, 2019) — Editorial by Ted Kowalski of the Walton Family Foundation expressing the importance of finding solutions to the issues plaguing the Salton Sea — as well as the critical importance of moving the drought contingency agreements across the finish line in order to ensure that the Colorado River basin can balance water supplies and demands in a way that supports a healthy river and environment.  From the Desert Sun

How Will Arizona Battle Drought In The Next Decade?

(February 15, 2019) —Excellent overview of the background to, and status of, the DCP, with a focus on the unique complications faced by Arizona. Includes audio interview.  From Science Friday

Restoring the Colorado: Bringing New Life to a Stressed River

(February 14, 2019) — Part V concludes the series, Crisis on the Colorado, and discusses the ecological impact of the disappearing Colorado River. It prominently features the work of the Raise the River coalition of partners, and Francisco Zamora, of Sonoran Institute.  From Yale360/Environment

EDITORIAL: Growing Water Smart? Part Three

(February 13, 2019) —An examination of the Las Arenitas Wetlands Project as a solution to a poorly functioning wastewater treatment plant and an example for other communities to follow. Featuring the work of Francisco Zamora and the Sonoran Institute.  From the Pagosa Daily Post, part of a 4-part series

What is Happening With the Colorado River Drought Plans?

(February 7, 2019) — An update on where the Drought Contingency Plan stands: Five states — Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming and Nevada — have completed their plans, as has Mexico, which is a party to the Agreement. However, California and Arizona are still pending to complete their portions to put forth a final agreement for signing. Despite the flurry of activity surrounding the January 31 deadline imposed by Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman, the two states were deemed by the Bureau as to have not have done enough for the deal to be considered “done.” Burman has issued a new deadline of March 4 for those states to finish the plans. A complete rundown is provided. From AZPublicMedia News

In Era of Drought, Phoenix Prepares for a Future Without Colorado River Water

(February 7, 2019) — In Part IV of the series, Crisis on the Colorado, a look at the progressive and aggressive steps Phoenix is taking to prepare for a time when they can no longer depend on water from the Colorado River. Includes quotes from Taylor Hawes, of the Nature Conservancy’s Colorado River program.  From Yale360/Environment

Running Dry: New Strategies for Conserving Water on the Colorado

(January 31, 2019) — Part III of the series, Crisis on the Colorado, examines various measures and strategies for conserving Colorado River Water, and features the leadership of the Nature Conservancy. TNC’s Taylor Hawes is quoted, saying, “Our goal is that whatever solutions we come up with for people also work for nature.” From Yale360/Environment

As a shortage looms, groundwater takes on added importance in the Colorado River Delta

(January 22, 2019) — A look at the potential impact of groundwater shortages on restoration efforts in the Delta, featuring Osvel Hinojosa/Pronatura, Eloise Kendy/Nature Conservancy, Jennifer Pitt/Audubon, Gaby Coloca/Pronatura and our work in the restoration sites of Laguna Grande, Miguel Aleman, and El Chausse.  From AZCentral

On the Water-Starved Colorado River, Drought Is the New Normal

(January 22, 2019) — Part II of the series, Crisis on the Colorado, looks back at the water-sharing legislation and climate mis-calculations which have led to the over-allocation of Colorado River water for too many years. Compounded by climate change impacts, strict cutbacks appear imminent, as the basin states work to create a Drought Contingency Plan. From Yale360/Environment

The West’s Great River Hits Its Limits: Will the Colorado Run Dry?

(January 14, 2019) — The Colorado River Basin has been locked in the grip of a nearly unrelenting drought since 2000, and the two great water savings accounts on the river — Lake Mead and Lake Powell — are at all-time lows. An officially announced crisis could be at hand in the coming months. The first in a 5-part series of articles exploring the Colorado River Water crisis.  From Yale Environment 360

Colorado River Delta Report Provides Restoration Road Map

Four growing seasons after the engineered spring flood of the Colorado River Delta in March 2014, the delta’s birds, plants and groundwater continue to benefit, according to a report prepared for the International Boundary and Water Commission by a binational University of Arizona-led team.  From TheWaterNetwork

2019 Will Be a Big Year for Water

(January 4, 2019) — A look at five key issues that relate to water — and specifically to the Colorado River — that will be at hand during 2019. It is poised to be a year of reckoning on the Colorado River, which supplies water to 40 million people and 5.5 million acres of farmland.  From EcoWatch

Bird Abundance Increases in Colorado River Delta after 2014 Pulse Flow, New Report Says

(December 17, 2018) — Collaboration between the U.S. and Mexico—supported by a coalition of nonprofits including Audubon — lead to a 20% increase in bird abundance and a 42% increase in bird diversity, according to a new study from the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). From the Audubon Blog

Four Years After Water Released Into Colorado River, Benefits Continue

(December 17, 2018) — A report released on Friday provides the findings of a team of scientists who have been monitoring the impacts of a planned release of water into the bone-dry delta of the Colorado River in 2014. Four years later, the environmental benefits continue…  From Arizona Public Media

UA Report: Colorado River Delta Restoration Efforts Are Succeeding

(December 16, 2018) Radio story on the new University of Arizona report that documents how the efforts to restore the Colorado River Delta are working, with birds, plants and groundwater continuing to benefit four growing seasons after an engineered flood of the delta, as well as other deliveries of water through December 2017. From NPR/KJZZ

Resultados de los flujos ambientales en el Bajo Río Colorado y su Delta

(14 de diciembre, 2018) — La Comisión Internacional de Límites y Aguas entre México y los Estados Unidos ha publicado el “Informe Final del Acta 319 sobre el Monitoreo de los Flujos Ambientales en el tramo limítrofe del Río Colorado y su Delta”.  El Pionero

Colorado River Delta Report Provides Restoration Road Map

(December 14, 2018) — A report prepared for the International Boundary and Water Commission by a binational University of Arizona-led team provides solid scientific information showing that the delta’s birds, plants and groundwater continue to benefit after the engineered spring flood of the Colorado River Delta in March 2014.  From University of Arizona News

Science Daily: Colorado River Delta report provides restoration road map

(December 14, 2018) — Four growing seasons after the engineered spring flood of the Colorado River Delta in March 2014, the delta’s birds, plants and groundwater continue to benefit, according to a report prepared for the International Boundary and Water Commission by a binational University of Arizona-led team.  From Science News

Collaboration Drives Results for Colorado River Delta Restoration

(December 14, 2018) — A first-hand account of what it has been like being a member of the Science Team measuring the results of the 2014 Pulse Flow and subsequent water deliveries into the Colorado River Delta by Karen Schlatter. “As a result, going forward under a new 9-year binational agreement that was signed in September 2017, water flows will be used to ensure that the people of the river have recreational and cultural benefits, in addition to the benefits to critters and plants.”   From Sonoran Institute Blog

Collaboration for the Colorado River Delta

(December 14, 2018) — Raise the River’s announcement of the release of scientific findings, and complete backgrounder on the Minute 319 Environmental Flows Monitoring Final Report.  From the Raise the River Blog

A larger issue looms over short-term Colorado River plan: climate change

(December 14, 2018) — With the water level in Lake Mead hovering near a point that would trigger a first-ever official shortage on the Colorado River, representatives of California, Arizona, and Nevada are trying to wrap up a plan to prevent the water situation from spiraling into a major crisis. Looming over the negotiations is a long-term issue that is intensifying the strains on the river: climate change.  From AZCentral

Raise the River: Binational collaboration on the Colorado River

(December 6, 2018) — Audubon Western Water Webinar on the Binational Collaboration on the Colorado River Delta, featuring Jennifer Pitt; From Audubon Arizona YouTube

On Hope, Birds, and Tacos

(December 3, 2018) — First person account of touring the Ciénega de Santa Clara, referred to as the last great wetland of the Colorado River Delta, by Karyn Stockdale. “There’s more work to be done in the Colorado River Delta, but we are witnessing the positive change envisioned years ago that is bringing back the river and birds that depend on these riparian and wetland habitats.” From the Audubon blog

States voice shared goal for helping Colorado River basin

(November 9, 2018) — Failure is not an option for the state representatives up and down the Colorado River Basin who met to address the threat of drought to water supplies through a suite of proposed new agreements, as talks on the DCP continued. From The Daily Sentinal

Environment Report: Tribes Want a Say in the Colorado River’s Future

(November 5, 2018) — The Colorado River Ten Tribes Partnership is asking for a seat at the table for tribes to be part of the ongoing discussion about the future of the Colorado River. From the Voice of San Diego

Why a Chinese community settled in the Mexican desert

(October 27, 2018) — While not related to our work in the Delta, this tells the story of how a community of Chinese came to settle Mexicali, after their work in completing the railroad for the Colorado River Company was completed, and they were driven out of the U.S. It details their contribution to the growth of agriculture in this region, and accounts for why there exists a vibrant Chinese community in northern Mexico. From DialogoChino.net

Colorado’s east-west water divide poses risks for completion of a Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan

(October 21, 2018) — A disagreement over how to implement Colorado River conservation adds a hurdle to final completion of the Colorado River Drought Conservation Plan. The dilemma for the seven-state DCP is it’s generally accepted that federal legislation only happens if all seven states (and therefore their 14 U.S. senators) agree. From Inkstain

Unnatural wonder: A 16-day journey to the heart of the Colorado River

(October 20, 2018) — A 30-minute video of a 16-day rafting trip through the Grand Canyon, interviewing scientists, government officials, and guides to discuss the ecology of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. From the Arizona Republic

Pronatura Noreste produjo 35 000 árboles nativos para la restauración del Río Colorado

(October 15/2018) — Además de producir 35,000 árboles y arbustos nativos que se utilizarán este otoño en las actividades de reforestación, Pronatura Northwest A.C. promueve un programa de voluntariado que vuelve a conectar a la comunidad con la conservación y los espacios naturales… / In addition to producing 35,000 native trees and shrubs which will be used this fall in reforestation activities, Pronatura Northwest A.C. promotes a volunteer program that reconnects the community with conservation and natural spaces… From ProNatura Noroeste Blog

When In Drought: States Take On Urgent Negotiations To Avoid Colorado River Crisis

(October 14, 2018) — Featuring comments by Jennifer Pitt, reporting on negotiations for the drought contingency plans in the Upper and Lower Colorado River basins: Water managers are attempting to boost reservoir levels with a suite of agreements under the umbrella of “drought contingency planning.” The premise is simple: Cut water use now, and use that saved water to bump up Powell and Mead to help to avoid bigger problems in the future, when supplies are likely to be even tighter. From NPR

Colorado River states OK tentative plan to slow reservoirs’ decline

(October 10, 2018) — That’s why collaborative efforts like this are so important to long-term water security across the Southwest, said Taylor Hawes, Colorado River program director for The Nature Conservancy. “We are facing evolving challenges in the basin as temperatures increase, precipitation declines and more people move to the region. We must keep our foot on the pedal to ensure we can develop the solutions we need ahead of a more serious crisis.” From the Las Vegas Review-Journal

Western states release proposed Colorado River agreements for drought-stricken Colorado River

(October 10, 2018) —  Reporting on the release of draft agreements for proposed drought-contingency plans for the Upper Basin states — Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming — as well as the Lower Basin states — Arizona, Nevada and California. “This news puts us closer than we’ve ever been to a more secure water future for the Colorado River,” Jennifer Pitt said in a statement. “Arizona is the last piece of the puzzle before the Drought Contingency Plan is a done deal.” Ted Kowalski, of the Walton Family Foundation’s Colorado River Initiative, said the announcement of draft drought-contingency plans “is a significant milestone for a healthy Colorado River.”From Brinkwire/The Arizona Republic

Western states release proposed Colorado River agreements for drought-stricken Colorado River

(October 10, 2018) —  Reporting on the release of draft agreements for proposed drought-contingency plans for the Upper Basin states — Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming — as well as the Lower Basin states — Arizona, Nevada and California. “This news puts us closer than we’ve ever been to a more secure water future for the Colorado River,” Jennifer Pitt said in a statement. “Arizona is the last piece of the puzzle before the Drought Contingency Plan is a done deal.” Ted Kowalski, of the Walton Family Foundation’s Colorado River Initiative, said the announcement of draft drought-contingency plans “is a significant milestone for a healthy Colorado River.”From Brinkwire/The Arizona Republic

Ciénega de Santa Clara y El Río Colorado

(September 23, 2018) — An examination of the impact of climate change and human activity; as well as the factors that damage the biodiversity of the Ciénega de Santa Clara and the Colorado River. From Televisa /  Foro TV

The Threat of the West Running Dry

(September 20, 2018 ) — Karyn Stockdale writes of the collaborative work being done by the Audubon Society and its Western Water program to help ensure the security of future water supplies – while also sharing with the birds and wildlife that rely on water-dependent habitats. In it, Minute 323 and the work of Jennifer Pitt are mentioned. From The Audubon blog

The Colorado River is headed for a water shortage

(September 15, 2018) — OpEd co-athored by Julie Hill-Gabriel of the National Audubon Society, urging the implementation of strategies already developed to address the risks and uncertainties of a dry future along the Colorado River. These will require continued coordination among state, federal and local parties to help improve conditions within the Colorado River Basin.  From The Hill

Shortage on the Colorado River is Imminent, but a Catastrophic One is Not

(September 13, 2018) — Analysis by Jennifer Pitt, on what is needed to arrive at a solution; “The problem is clear, and one significant step toward a solution, the DCP, is teed up for Arizona to embrace. People, birds, and Arizona’s sustainability depend on it.” From the Audubon Blog

More Conservation, Cooperation Vital to Our New Era of Water Shortages

(September 13, 2018) — In this article authored by Ted Kowalski, he writes: “Though the challenges we face on the Colorado River are significant, there are clear solutions. But we have to update how we use and manage our water. The Colorado River is overallocated and future water supplies are less reliable. Continued conservation and innovative partnerships are essential to avoid a crisis in the near future.” From WaterDeeply

Drought Contingency Plan to ease pain of water shortage

(September 10, 2018) — “By working together, Arizona, California, Nevada, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and now Mexico (through the recent treaty update known as Minute 323), we can chart a path forward so one state alone does not feel the brunt of shortage…” From Mohave Valley Daily News

Study: Colorado River Flows Decreased 15% in Last Century

(September 7, 2018) — A new study identifies a decrease of 15 percent in the streamflow of the Colorado River in the last century, with higher temperatures indicated as the primary reason. From KNAU Arizona Public Radio

[Study upon which the above article was based]
On the causes of declining Colorado River streamflows
(August 30) — Research article demonstrating that pervasive warming has reduced snowpacks and enhanced evapotranspiration (ET) over the last 100 years in the Colorado River. From Advanced Earth and Space Science

Paddling the Colorado’s headwaters reveals a wrung-out river

(August 28, 2018) — RtR friend Pete McBride writes an Opinion piece to urge conservation of Colorado River water; “…the Colorado River has already experienced over two decades of drought due to climate change, not to mention a history of over-allocation and increased demands from a growing population. As a result, it is a wrung-out river…”  From High Country News

Audubon unveils bird-themed beer to raise awareness for Colorado River supply

(August 17, 2018) — Audubon Arizona unveiled the Rain Crow IPA, a beer named after the threatened western yellow-billed cuckoo, as a new and creative way to spread its conservation message on behalf of the Colorado River, which serves some 40 million people in seven states and Mexico. From the Arizona Republic

Across Borders: Restoring the Colorado River Delta

(August 16, 2018) — As a part of their Seeds of Opportunities series, this wonderful profile of Yami Carrillo showcases her role in conservation work being conducted in the #Colorado River Delta, together with the collaborative work planned under Minute 323 to increase water security for Colorado River users on both sides of the border. From the Walton Family Foundation website.

Niños conocen más del Río Colorado

(July 31, 2018) — In honor of Colorado River Day, last week our Yuli Dimas of Pronatura Noroeste gave an educational talk to young students participating in the program of summer workshops organized by the local public library. From Tribuna de San Luis Rio Colorado

Water is at the heart of Colorado life

(July 26, 2018) — So much of our quality of life in Colorado centers around – or is made possible by — a healthy Colorado River. As we mark Colorado River Day and as outdoor industry leaders gather in Denver to discuss the future of the industry, we must take this opportunity to reflect on the hardest working river in the West and to reaffirm our commitment to initiatives that sustain the health of the Colorado River. From: Daily Sentinel (op-ed byJill Ozarski of the Walton Family Foundation, regarding the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market)

Artificial wetland in Sonora desert to help replace those that have been lost

(July 10, 2018) — Reporting on the return of migrating birds to the Colorado Delta, thanks to the Cucapá artificial wetland in Sonora. Featuring Pronatura. From Mexico News Daily

Reforestan Río Hardy

(July 6, 2018) — Coverage of the community day of tree planting (over 500!) in the Rio Hardy, which took place on Thursday, July 5. Organized by Sonoran Institute, it served as a project demonstration for the “Fondo para la Conservación del Delta del río Colorado”. From La Voz de la Frontera

The Colorado River Delta Is Proof of Nature’s Resiliency

(June 28, 2018) — After a decades-long decline, a dying wetland gets a second chance, with the help of cross-border collaboration between the United States and Mexico. An excellent recap of the efforts of RtR in the Colorado Delta, featuring coalition team members Jenn Pitt, Francisco Zamora, Karen Schlatter, and Yuli Dimas — as well as other project supporters. From onEarth by NRDC

At the U.S.-Mexico border, avoiding a water war [Opinion]

(June 20, 2018) — Trump must now name a new U.S. IBCW commissioner. The job may be obscure, but the stakes could not be higher. Finding the right new IBWC commissioner will require the president to let competence triumph over campaign slogans, and to admit that when it comes to issues of consequence, we need Mexico as much as Mexico needs us.  piece by Stephen R. Kelly, a former U.S. diplomat who served in Mexico. From the Houston Chronicle

Ted Kowalski: Longterm solutions needed to keep our water flowing

(June 15, 2018) — “While the challenges facing the Colorado River are significant, this does not mean that there aren’t solutions — there are. But we must improve how we use and manage the water resources of the Colorado River Basin.” From the Arizona Daily Star (op-ed)

Ecología pese a fronteras

(May 17, 2018) — Story on Minute 323, including our coalition’s work in the environmental aspects of the agreement.  From NorteAmerica.mx

Hell or high water — Solutions on the Colorado River

(May 15, 2018) — Guest column by a board member of Western Landowners Alliance and Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust, giving a perspective of potential conservation actions for the Colorado River. From the Journal-Advocate

What Another Dry Winter Means for Colorado and the West

(May 14, 2018) —With Colorado is facing a severe water shortage, this article takes a look at what that means for rivers, wildfires, and the future of water use in the West.  From 5280.com

Why restoring the Colorado River Delta matters

(May 11, 2018) — Karen Schlatter of Sonoran Institute’s Delta Program honors International Migratory Bird Day (May 12) by explaining the benefits to habitat and wildlife that the pulse flow and our restoration actions have had in the Colorado River Delta. From Mother Nature Network

Despite Trump, Water Agency Fosters Cross-Border Cooperation Between U.S. and Mexico

(April 18, 2018) — commissioners — Ed Drusina and Roberto Fernando Salmón Castelo — made a show of unity and cooperation between the two countries, through the agreement to share the Colorado River during drought and to fund conservation measures in Mexico. from the Texas Observer

Why Taoism & Environmental Restoration Are Made For Each Other

(April 18, 2018) — Drawing parallels between Taoism and conservation, one of the examples provided is the restoration work in the Colorado River Delta, including the pulse flow.  From 71Republic

New Report Explores Arizona’s Relationship with the Colorado River, Highlights Need for Latino Engagement in Its Protection

(April 12, 2018) — A new report from Hispanic Access Foundation finds that the implementation of water policies in Arizona, especially those designed to protect the Colorado River, will likely be more successful if the state’s Latino communities are engaged in the process. As the fastest growing segment in the state, Latinos possess qualities that make them influential environmental stewards and have demonstrated the willingness and abilities to lead on conservation issues.  From Hispanic Access Foundation; Download Report.

Plantan más de mil árboles a los márgenes del Río Colorado

(April 7, 2018) — Reporting on the success of the recent ‘Semana de la Reforestación en Laguna Grande’ which took place on April 7, with 150 volunteers planting more than 200 native trees in our Laguna Grande restoration site. From La Voz de la Republica

In northwestern Mexico, Osvel Hinojosa opens channels for water’s return to a dry Delta

(March 30, 2018) — Beautiful profile of Osvel, Pronatura Noroeste, and their work to restore the Colorado River Delta. “For me, the Colorado River, it’s a symbol of hope,” he says. “It is the lifeline of western North America. It is a very resilient ecosystem.” From Walton Family Foundation Blog

Intel, Arizona Diamondbacks put water solutions on tap

(March 27, 2018) — Drought, and an imbalance between water demand and supply, continues to plague the Southwest. Arizona’s main source of water, the Colorado River, on which 2 million jobs in the state and over $100 billion in labor income are dependent annually, is threatened. Fortunately, many businesses in Arizona are leading the way in leveraging their voices on water as well as creating a positive impact on the ground. From GreenBiz.

(VIDEO) River Sisters Partnership between Denver and San Luis Rio Colorado

(March 23, 2018) — Video of the joint signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Mayor Michael B. Hancock of Denver and Mayor José Enrique Reina Lizárraga of the City of San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico to establish the River Sisters Partnership. The River Sisters Partnership will work to strengthen the protection and restoration of the Colorado River. From YouTube

ONG binacionales se alían a favor del rescate del Río Colorado

(March 21, 2018) — Authorities from Mexico and the United States, together with social and environmental groups and NGOs signed a Memorandum of Understanding this week to establish the River Sisters Association, benefiting restoration work in the Colorado River Delta. The objective of the Association is to create an exchange of goodwill leadership and binational collaboration projects that promote the restoration of the Colorado River and recognize the hydrological, economic, and social interdependencies of Colorado River users from the headwaters of the river to the sea. From La Cronica

What the US can learn from Cape Town’s water crisis

(March 10, 2018) — This OpEd by Taylor Hawes speaks to the lessons we can learn from the Cape Town water crisis, and what all levels of government need to do to take action. From The Hill

Two Nations One Water Summit looks at possible solutions

(March 3, 2018) — One panel at last week’s water summit highlighted the Minute 323 agreement as a global model for managing shared watersheds. Featuring Carlos de la Parra, his role in the negotiations for Mexico, and his advice to summit participants, “You need to get together more often.” From AlbuquerqueJournal

‘Two Nations One Water’ Border Summit Draws 300 Water Leaders

(March 2, 2018) — Last week’s ‘Two Nations One Water: U.S.-Mexico Border Water Summit’ brought together more than 300 water industry experts and researchers to explore water strategies for the border’s future. Speakers and participants engaged on topics such as drought, the Colorado River Agreement – Minute 323 — and research on innovative technologies including water reuse and desalination. From El Paso Herald-Post

When rivers, or at least their remnants, return

(March 2, 2018) — A story of hope for the Delta, detailing the projects where Mexican and American activists (RtR coalition partners) have worked together in restoring the Colorado River’s historic channel for about a decade. Featuring Jennifer Pitt. From NM Political Report

Here’s exactly how much less water is in the Colorado River because of climate change

(February 22, 2018) — “The study’s conclusion: “Warming alone could cause Colorado River flow declines of 30 percent by midcentury and over 50 percent by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated.” From AZCentral

Colorado’s Snow Pack and the Need for Conservation

(February 20, 2018) — Years like the one we’re in, where snow has been scarce reminds us all about the importance of water conservation.  Snowpack in the Colorado Rockies acts as water storage and about eighty percent of Denver’s water comes from this mountain snowpack. From Weather Nation

Looking for lessons along the Colorado River

(February 19, 2018) — The Colorado delivers water to more than 36 million people in seven states and two countries. Its waters carved the Grand Canyon and, far more recently, allowed the growth of Sunbelt cities like Phoenix and Tucson. New Mexico gets its slice of the Colorado, too. From NM Political Report

Water in the West

(January 23, 2018) — Water in the West is a series of stories about the people working to address threats to water supply in the Colorado River basin and find conservation solutions that make economic sense for people and communities. From the Walton Family Foundation YouTube Channel

Ted Kowalski: We must act now to protect the future of the Colorado River

(February 18, 2018) — OpEd featuring Ted Kowalski: “The decisions we make in 2018 can protect future generations and revitalize the health of the Colorado River. At the Walton Family Foundation, we know it’s possible to implement these solutions. Moreover, we’re committed to supporting decisions to improve water management within the Colorado River Basin.” From the Arizona Daily Star

For A Few Weeks The Colorado River Reached The Ocean. Will It Happen Again?

(February 7, 2018) — The pulse flow brought a striking visual reminder of what happens when water is removed, and then reinstated to its natural channel, and since then, people have asked if it will happen again…Featuring Francisco and Jenn, this story is part of a project covering the Colorado River, produced by KUNC and supported through a Walton Family Foundation grant. From KUNC

To save our oceans, let’s start with our rivers

(February 6, 2018) — A case for protecting river flows in order to preserve the health of our Oceans, using Mexicali and the Colorado River Delta as an example. From High Country News

Winter heat wave bakes the Southwest, bringing renewed worries of severe drought

(January 31, 2018) — The Colorado River provides water for seven western states and Mexico. Heavily overallocated and ravaged by years of drought, the river is also under growing strains due to climate change. From USA Today

Traversing the mighty Colorado River

(January 22, 2018) — It is the story of a Colorado River novice setting out to make sense of this great and imperiled Western river by tracing its length from source to sea and … He starts in a chartered airplane over the river’s Rocky Mountain headwaters, ends in a borrowed truck in its delta in Mexico, and proceeds in spurts by… From High Country News

The Business of Planting Trees: A Growing Investment Opportunity

(January 2018) — This new report from the Nature Conservancy,demonstrates that the restoration economy is at the take-off stage, with new business models, advancing technology and political will being shown by governments, as it presents case studies of 14 innovative enterprises across eight countries. From the Nature Conservancy

Forget Bitcoin, Planting Trees Can Offer Amazing Returns

(January 15, 2018) — Recent technologies have paved the way for faster, cheaper, more efficient tree planting, allowing rapid reforestation of broad areas of land. This article cites the Nature Conservancy’s new report on the Business of Planting Trees, and references its identification of  four emerging themes in the restoration economy: technology, consumer products, project management and commercial forestry. From RealLeaders

Dry start to winter prompts ugly forecast for Colorado River

(January 3, 2017) — The first forecast for the Colorado River is in, and the outlook for the coming year is bleak. The National Weather Service’s Colorado Basin River Forecast Center predicts the river will flow at about 54 percent of its average volume during the key runoff period from April to July. From theLas Vegas Review-Journal

Water leaders across Colorado stepping up efforts to educate public about resources

(December 29, 2017) — Two years after the Colorado Water Plan was unveiled, river basins, basin roundtables, nonprofits, and river-related organizations are stepping up efforts to achieve one of the plan’s main goals: water education. From The Aspen Times

Water Dominates Environmental News in 2017 and 2018

(December 26, 2017) — The U.S. and Mexico reached an agreement (Minute 323) to share river water and shore up the levels on Lake Mead. Both countries have agreed to take cuts in the events of a shortage and will leave water in the reservoir during times of surplus. From Arizona Public Media

New Reasons to Have Hope for The Salton Sea

(December 25, 2017) — In this op-ed, Allison Harvey Turner of S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation and Barry Gold of Walton Family Foundation applaud California legislators and leaders for taking action on the Salton Sea, and urge continued action and investment to stem environmental disaster. From Water Deeply 

Preparing for a drier future along the Colorado River

(December 22) — Managers of water agencies in California, Arizona, and Nevada have signaled their interest in finalizing a deal under which they would take less water from Lake Mead in an attempt to head off severe shortages. Shortages are expected as recent research has projected, using climate models to estimate a business-as-usual scenario of greenhouse gas emissions, that without changes in precipitation, warming will likely cause the Colorado River’s flow to decrease by 35 percent or more this century. From the Desert Sun

Pueblo’s Broderick to lead Colorado River group

(December 18, 2017) — Jim Broderick was elected president of the Colorado River Water Users Association at its meeting in Las Vegas last week. The presidency is a two-year term that rotates among states. “The continued collaboration of the seven states, tribes and the country of Mexico is important, not only for the state of Colorado, but for all of those who rely on the Colorado River’s water supply,” said Broderick. From The Pueblo West View

Progress on new drought plan in Colorado basin is slow going

(December 16, 2017) — Even though serious negotiations are ongoing, however, the draft Drought Contingency Plan required for the implementation of Minute 323 is far from completion. From the San Francisco Chronicle

Climate Chaos & Local Resiliency – Water Solutions in the American West

(November 20, 2017) — Seven stories of the people who are charting the course for climate resiliency and water justice in the American West, including *Raise the River: Bringing hope back to the Colorado River Delta”. From Carpe Diem West

Protecting rivers and watersheds gets a $30 million boost from Enterprise 

(November 13, 2017) — The foundation arm of Enterprise Rent-A-Car is donating $30 million to The Nature Conservancy’s efforts to preserve and protect rivers and watersheds in the U.S. and internationally, including supporting their work in the Colorado River Delta. From St Louis Post-Dispatch

Enterprise Donates $30 Million To TNC River Conservation Efforts

(November 13, 2017) — The Nature Conservancy is kicking off a five-year project, funded by a $30 million donation from the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation, to improve rivers and regional watersheds across North America and Europe. From National Geographic

Analysis: What a new report on climate science portends for the West

(November 13, 2017) — Take-aways applying to the Western U.S. from the latest federal government update on its National Climate Assessment (part of the 2018 report.) The report focuses on the science of climate change, and describes how greenhouse gas emissions are affecting the U.S. today, and will continue to do so in future if we continue on the current trajectory. From The Colorado Independent / High Country News

Water Update: Minute 323

(November 1, 2017) — Recap of Minute 323, including water flows: ”The environmental flows in Minute 323 are planned to be set to work in the restoration of the Delta. It was great to see the river reach the sea but the conservationists want to concentrate flows like irrigators do for maximum yield.” From Central Colorado Magazine

Rising temperatures sucking water out of the Colorado River

(October 31, 2017) — A new study by the US Geological Survey finds the river’s flow has shrunk by about seven percent over the past 30 years, equal to approximately 24 percent of the total amount of California’s annual Colorado River allocation. From 89.3KPCC

The Ecosystem Response to Restoration: Birds in the Colorado River Delta

(October 25, 2017) — The Arizona Western Rivers Action Network held a webinar this week, on our restoration work in the Colorado River Delta, featuring Osvel Hinojosa. WRAN Webinar/YouTube 

Simulated Flood Injected Life Into Thirsty Colorado River Delta, New Data Shows

(October 25, 2017) — A look back at the spring 2014 pulse flow, its effects, and discussion on how the new update to the 1944 treaty signed this year allows for more pulse flows when Mexico stores surplus water. From KUNC

Water Managers Seek Certainty in Colorado Basin

(October 20, 2017) — A summary of the Colorado River District’s annual seminar, held September 15, especially pertaining to the collaborative efforts to bring greater certainly to water resources in the Colorado River. From NewsDeeply

U.S. And Mexico Reach Agreement On Colorado River Water Use

(October 17, 2017) — Overview of M323, including the key aspect of the agreement to give some water to restoring the Colorado River Delta in Mexico, and a discussion of the Walton Family Foundation’s support of this provision. From Utah Public Radio 

U.S. and Mexico Sign Agreement to Manage Colorado River

(October 13, 2017) — Karl Flessa, a geosciences professor at the University of Arizona, says, “Restoration in the delta is important because it’s a reflection of society’s values. Yes, we need water for agriculture, yes, we need water for cities, but we also need water for nature.”  From KNAU/NPR

Update to U.S.-Mexico Water Treaty Is a Huge Win for Conservation

(October 10, 2017) — Audubon and its partners played a key role in the negotiations for Minute 323, which sets aside 200,000 acre-feet of water for environmental purposes.  From Audubon

Where the Colorado River Now Runs Dry, New Hope for Wildlife

(October 10, 2017) — The impact of water on the environment, featuring comments from Jennifer Pitt: “… imagine what a longer-term commitment to more flows can bring back to this ecosystem. We encourage the US and Mexico to commit to more sustained flows and more resources for restoration.” From Audubon

Reprinted in: Public, October 10, 2017

Why a Colorado River reunion with the sea isn’t a guarantee

(October 6, 2017) — To revive a desiccated ecosystem, a U.S.-Mexico agreement looks past ‘pulse flows’— excellent explanation as to why another ‘pulse flow’ is not specifically included in Minute 323.  From High Country News

Reprinted, The Journal, October 12, 2017

Deal creates certainty for water users in both countries, invests in critical restoration work

(September 28, 2017) — Minute 323 will increase water security for users in both countries and promote more efficient water management in a fast-growing, increasingly thirsty region. From W-Blog/Walton Family Foundation 

Minute 323 agreement between U.S. and Mexico ensures water sharing until 2026

(October 3, 2017) — “Through negotiations, there was a strong interest from all parties in extending the kind of work that was accomplished under Minute 319,” — featuring an interview with Jennifer Pitt. From The Daily Wildcat 

Water Use: United States, Mexico Sign Pact Governing Colorado River

(October 3, 2017) — This agreement puts us on a path of cooperation rather than conflict as we work with Mexico to address the Colorado River Basin’s many challenges…  From Denver Patch 

Doubling our efforts in Delta thanks to Minute 323

(October 2, 2017) — Last week, our efforts to restore the Delta took another momentous leap forward with the signing of Minute 323, the new binational water-sharing agreement between the US and Mexico, from Stephanie Sklar, Sonoran Institute. 

US, Mexico to share Colorado River water, shore up Lake Mead

(October 2, 2017) — Officials from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border on Wednesday signed a new water pact that brings Mexico in as a full partner on the Colorado River and could boost Lake Mead. From TVN 

More Water, More Restoration Bound For Colorado River Delta

(October 2, 2017) — reprint of the Arizona Daily Star article; from Society of Environmental Journalists 

Lower Basin states deserve a pat on the back for contingency planning

(October 1, 2017) — I for one, tip my cap to our Lower Basin counterparts for engaging in the sometimes tough conversations about how we best manage the Colorado River for the long-term sustainability of the entire system. From The Daily Sentinel 

Colorado River Agreement Reached Between U.S., Mexico

(September 28, 2017 — At a symposium hosted by Santa Fe’s Water Education Foundation this week, representatives of the International Boundary and Water Commission on Wednesday announced the conclusion of a new Colorado River agreement. (Paywall) From KSFR (Santa Fe) 

Mexico, US clinch Colorado river water deal – report

(September 27, 2017) — The water-sharing deal that Mexico and the US have over the Colorado River is set to be renewed and expanded. From BN Americas 

More water, more restoration bound for Colorado River Delta

(October 1, 2017) – Coverage on the environmental aspect of M323 including pulse flows vs. base flows for effective restoration; featuring interviews with Karl Flessa, Jennifer Pitt, and Osvel Hinojosa (2nd of a 2-part series on M323). From the Arizona Daily Star

Reprinted in: AmericasLatest, October 1, 2017

U.S., Mexico set aside Trump tensions for Colorado River deal

(September 29, 2017) –That deal signed Wednesday was supported by state water agencies and major users in both countries, and sets out procedures to reduce off-take during times of drought that are expected to persist for the foreseeable future. From PoliticoPro (paywall)

US, Mexico share benefits and burdens in new Colorado River pact

(September 28, 2017) — Besides offering certainty and continued environmental restoration, “Most important, it offers a binational, water scarcity contingency plan… From Arizona Daily Star

The resilience of the U.S.-Mexico Colorado River relationship

(September 28, 2017 )— “I am happy to report that collaboration over the Colorado River withstood the test of the recent shock to the U.S.-Mexico relationship, and has emerged resilient.” From JFleck at Inkstain

Arizona Water Resources director joins U.S. & Mexico in finalizing epic CO River agreement

(September 28, 2017) — An overview of the complexity of negotiations behind Minute 323. Summarizing the result as, “The implications of the agreement for helping stabilize and augment Arizona’s water supplies are significant.” From Arizona Water News

U.S., Mexico update international treaty over Colorado River

(September 28, 2017) — In an era when the United States and Mexico aren’t exactly on speaking terms on issues like trade and immigration, there is one issue where both nations are cooperating pretty well: water. From Colorado Politics

Extended U.S.-Mexico Water Treaty Shifts Focus To Lower Basin States

(September 28, 2017) — “While it’s great news for relationships between the United States and Mexico, it places a lot of pressure on the lower basin states Arizona, California, and Nevada to come to an agreement between themselves,”… From KJZZ

Colaboración Binacional en la Cuenca del Río Colorado

(September 28, 2017) — Los acuerdos del Acta 323 contribuyen a la seguridad hídrica en la región y a la restauración del delta del Río Colorado. From Sonoran Institute

US, Mexico Reach Deal to Conserve Colorado River Water

(September 27, 2017) — The two nations and a coalition of charitable foundations also agreed to contribute a total of $18 million for environmental restoration, research and monitoring. AP Sourced, from The New York Times

U.S., Mexico may be at odds, but they’ve reached agreement on managing the Colorado River

(September 27, 2017) — “This agreement provides certainty for water operations in both countries and mainly establishes a planning tool that allows Mexico to define the most suitable actions for managing its Colorado River waters allotted by the 1944 Water Treaty,” Roberto Salmon, CILA; From the Los Angeles Times

Republished:Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: America, Mexico reach agreement on managing the Colorado River

River of opportunity

(September 27, 2017) — A new pact over sharing the Colorado River will get investment flowing. U.S. and Mexican officials on Wednesday set aside broader trade disputes to step up cooperation over the waterway, especially in droughts. That offers greater clarity to the 40 million people who rely on the Colorado.  From Reuters

Republished: BreakingViews: River of Opportunity: 

Metropolitan General Manager’s Statement Regarding Binational Agreement on Colorado River Deliveries, Storage

(September 27, 2017) — Official statement regarding the conclusion of Minute 323, issued by Jeffrey Kightlinger, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; “Today’s milestone continues the spirit of cooperation and collaboration forged among users of the Colorado River in both the United States and Mexico…”  From Business Wire

Our View: Mexico’s Minute 323 water deal should pay off big for Arizona

(September 27, 2017) — Editorial, with the overriding message being: “Minute 323 – in which Mexico conserves water in Lake Mead if Arizona and others do the same – proves that smart water planning has no borders.”  From AZ Central/USA Today Network

Reprinted:Water Education Foundation, September 29, 2017

U.S. and Mexico agree to share in Colorado River conservation and possible shortage

(September 27, 2017) — “This agreement puts us on a path of cooperation rather than conflict as we work with Mexico to address the Colorado River Basin’s many challenges,” U.S. Commissioner Edward Drusina said in a statement, “…and is a monumental achievement in collaboration.”  From AZ Central/USA Today Network

US, Mexico Sign On to Boost Conservation of Colorado River

(September 27, 2017) — The U.S. and Mexico are willing to share both the risks and the opportunities to improve the Colorado River through investment and management of the shared river system; From Arizona Public Media

US, Mexico to share Colorado River water, shore up Lake Mead

(September 27, 2017) — Officials from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border on Wednesday signed a new water pact that brings Mexico in as a full partner on the Colorado River and could boost Lake Mead;   From the Las Vegas Review-Journal

The Latest: US, Mexico reach deal on Colorado River water

(September 27, 2017) — The U.S. and Mexico have unveiled a new agreement to preserve water for millions of households and farms that depend on the overused Colorado River. (AP Reference) From ABC News

US, Mexico reach deal to conserve Colorado River water

(September 27, 2017) — The United States and Mexico unveiled an agreement Wednesday to preserve the overtaxed Colorado River, including spending millions of dollars on conservation and environmental projects and drawing up plans to deal with any shortages amid drought and climate change. (Osval & Ted quoted; AP reference) From USNews & World Report

As also appeared in:

US, Mexico reach deal to conserve Colorado River water; San Antonio Express News, September 27, 2017 — AP reference

US, Mexico reach deal to conserve Colorado River water; The Clay Center Dispatch, September 27, 2017 — AP reference

Millions of People and Birds Benefit from New Water Agreement between U.S. and Mexico

(September 27, 2017) — Treaty expansion provides years of certainty for water users in both countries dependent on the Colorado River, paving the way for collaborative conservation efforts that protect people and birds. From Audubon

US, Mexico reach deal to conserve Colorado River water

(September 26, 2017) — The United States and Mexico have agreed to renew and expand a far-reaching conservation agreement that governs how they manage the overused Colorado River; AP Sourced, from the Washington Post 

US, Mexico expand pact on managing overused Colorado River

(September 26, 2017) – Announcement of the planned signing of Minute 323, Minute 323, an amendment to a 1944 U.S.-Mexico treaty that lays out how the two nations share the Colorado River. From the Associated Press

Republished September 27 on Voice of America 

Republished  September 27 on Yahoo News

Republished September 27 on KNAU/NPR

Republished September 27 on Capital-Journal

Republished September 27 in the Mohave Valley Daily News

U.S., Mexico on Verge of New Colorado River Water Pact

(September 25, 2017) — “The agreement shows how both countries consider water important enough to set it apart from tensions that have flared during the recent U.S. administration over immigration and building a border wall”.  From Bloomberg/BNA

U.S. And Mexico Agree On Colorado River Deal

(September 18, 2017) — It is a tough moment for U.S. relations with Mexico … but when it comes to water, the two nations still enjoy a functional relationship. From Water Online

U.S. and Mexico agree to share a shrinking Colorado River

(September 14, 2017) —  Discussion of the purpose, history, and importance of Minute 323. From High Country News 

U.S. and Mexico set to sign landmark Colorado River water-sharing deal

(September 13, 2017) —  Detailing the *tentative* dates and location for the signing of Minute 323, and emphasizing the importance of Minute 323 for water sharing over the next decade, and of cooperative efforts in times of shortages. From The Desert Sun

Imperial Irrigation District: IID board supports continuing international cooperation on Colorado River

(September 13, 2017) — Reporting on the approval by the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors of a series of agreements to Minute No. 323, which are instrumental to the success of the Minute. It points out that by specifically defining reservoir management strategies a higher level of operational certainty results, particularly for lower basin water users. From Imperial Valley NewsImperial Valley News

Revisions proposed for Colorado River water agreements

(September 7, 2017) — Review of key points of proposed Minute 323, and the decision by Needles’ city council to unanimously approve the interim operating agreement for the implementation of Minute 323 and the 2017 Lower Colorado River Basin agreement for Binational Internationally Created Surplus. From the Mohave Daily News/Needles Desert Star

U.S., Mexico nearing deal on Colorado River water allocation

(September 7, 2017) — Discussion of the conservation programs enabled by Minute 319, and the hope for continued allocations for the environment under the pending agreement. From The Daily Wildcat (AZ)

New program aims to integrate land use planning and water management in the West

(September 5, 2017) — Program description and news about the Resilient Communities and Watersheds’  inaugural Growing Water Smart workshop, to take place Sept. 11-13 at the Keystone Policy Center in Keystone, Colorado. The program arose from a fundamental lack of integration between land use planning and water management in the western United States. From the Sonoran Institute Blog

Leveraging environmental flows to reform water management policy: Lessons learned from the 2014 Colorado River Delta pulse flow

(September 2017) — A Scientific report authored by Raise the River team members, including Eloise Kendy, Karl W.Flessa, Karen J.Schlatter, Carlos A.de la Parra, and Osvel M.Hinojosa Huertae, and Yamilett K.Carrillo-Guerrero on the results on the pulse flow — from ecological restoration to social impact. From: ScienceDirect

Turning Towards Solutions (podcast)

(August 21, 2017) —Part of the “We Are Rivers” podcast series; this episode explores how collaborative actions like the Drought Contingency Plan and Minute 319 (the pulse flow) are creating promise and opportunity for sustaining the Colorado River and the people and communities that depend on it. From American Rivers

U.S.-Mexico Colorado River deal is close

(August 1, 2017) — In this blog post by author John Fleck (Water is for Fighting Over), he reports on the progress of the successor agreement (Minute 323), anticipated timing, and expresses that “we are, in fact, in an era of historic collaboration on the Colorado River.”. The Minute 323 Key Terms document is embedded in the post. From: Inkstain

Restore the Colorado River Estuary (video)

(July 25, 2017) — Sonoran Institute celebrated Colorado River Day by releasing this (impressive!) 4-min. documentary about the fresh lagoons of the Colorado River estuary and the incredible, hard work being done to restore this life-giving ecosystem — watch and share! From: Sonoran Institute/YouTube

Why new infrastructure is a smart investment for the Colorado River

(July 21, 2017) — Innovative projects are key to improving the resilience of water supplies in the basin’s seven states, writes Ted Kowalski of the Walton Family Foundation’s Colorado River basin initiative. From: Water Deeply

The Walton Family Foundation recently announced that it will invest 20 million dollars to protect the Colorado river 

(July 12, 2017) — Environment reporter Elizabeth Stewart-Severy on the radio, reporting about the impact that the money might have, as well as some of the threats facing the Colorado. Featuring comments by Ted Kowalski, and reporting on the negotiation of Minute 32X. From: Aspen Public Radio/The Dial 

Water for people or nature is a false choice. We need to think bigger to protect the world’s water

(July 11, 2017) — Thoughtful article by Guiulio Boccaletti of The Nature Conservancy on how growing populations and limited water resources are increasingly in conflict. But “water for people or water for nature” is a false choice—when it comes to problems like water security, we have to think much, much bigger. From: World Economic Forum

— Alsohere: 

Walmart family funds Colorado River restoration

(July 10, 2017) — Reporting on the Walton Family Foundation’s pledge to donate $20 million toward conservation programs. Includes talk on the renegotiation of Minute 32X, and the restoration work taking place in the Colorado River Delta. From: Aspen Public Radio

Executive Summary—Water and Birds in the Arid West: Habitats in Decline

(July 5, 2017) —Summary of thnew report published by the Audubon Society, which includes the Colorado River Basin as a focal geography. Includes links to download the Summary & Full Report in pdf format. From: Audubon Society

— Related:  An op-ed in the LA Times on the subject & report by Audubon CEO.

Walton Family Foundation pledges $20 million to Colorado river conservation

(June 26, 2017) — Report on the WFF’s $20M pledge to support the Colorado River, and longer-term commitment of $100M by 2020. This features comments by Ted Kowalski.  From: The Denver Post

Green Giant: Where’s Walton Been Sending its Environmental Funding?

(June 27, 2017) —An overview of the grant recipients and program priorities of the WFF, including its commitment to funding work in the Colorado River.  From: Inside Philanthropy

Foundation to Put $20 Million into Restoring Colorado River

(June 28, 2017) — Reporting on the WFF’s commitment of $20M over the next 2 years, and up to $100M by 2020, in finding solutions to the Colorado River’s diminishing water supply, supporting the renewal of Minute 319, and restoring the region’s environment. Featuring comments by Ted Kowalski. From: Arizona Public Media

Grants Roundup: $35 Million From Walton Fund Supports Colo. and Miss. River Conservation

(June 28, 2017) —Brief reporting on WFF’s $20M in grants supporting the Colorado River, and a link to their giving philosophy. From The Chronicle of Philanthropy; Related: WFF’s giving philosophy

How collaboration can save the Colorado River

(June 22, 2017) — A personal account of how the interests of ranchers and farmers can align with conservation groups working to find creative solutions to the problems of the Colorado River. From High Country News

Climate change is shrinking the Colorado River

(June 13, 2017) —Story by Udall and Overpeck on their research showing how climate change is contributing to the reduction in river flow on the Colorado River. From The Conversation

Saving Great Rivers

(Summer 2017) — Feature story on how Nature Conservancy scientists around the world work within river systems to help people and nature thrive together., highlighting their work with the Colorado River, Taylor Hawes, director of TNC’s Colorado River program, and the Walton Family Foundation. From The Nature Conservancy Magazine

Earthworks on the Colorado River

(June 16, 2017) — Behind-the-scenes insights on the newest episode of EARTHWORKS from VICE Impact, featuring Gaby Gonzalez, Environmental Education Coordinator at Sonoran Institute and the Sonoran Institute’s work in the Colorado River Delta. From the Sonoran Institute Blog

Infrastructure investments must prioritize the Colorado River, one of the hardest-working rivers in the world

(June 7, 2017) — Opinion piece by the Walton Family Foundation, and a link to its recently-released white paper to guide a plan for the infrastructure needs of the Colorado River. The paper highlights 15 projects across the basin that are deemed essential for securing one of the most important – and over-tapped – waterways in the country. Featuring their collaborative work with The Nature Conservancy. From the Washington Examiner

World Water Congress report

(June 1, 2017) — A summary of key topics discussed at the World Water Congress, an event which took place in Cancun, Mexico recently, organized by the International Water Resources Association. The article highlights the discussion on the Colorado River system cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico. A key goal of the World Water Congress is to bridge the disconnect between scientific knowledge and policy choices. From the Arizona Department of Water Resources website; Related: World Water Congress Event website:

The Colorado River and Its Unnatural World

(May 24, 2017) — The prolific author and New Yorker contributor David Owen details what has happened to the Colorado River in his new book, Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River. The core conundrum of the Colorado in Owen’s view is efficiency. Using less water to flood fields or lawns means more water to build suburbs in desert cities. From The New York Times.

Colorado River deemed threatened

(April 19, 2017) — Additional reporting on the America Rivers annual endangered rivers list, which places the Lower Colorado River at the top, detailing the reasoning behind the ranking as being a result of the challenges the river faces due to chnages in US government policies. From Boulder City Review.

 American Rivers Report: Lower Colorado River tops most endangered list … again

(April 18, 2017) — Reporting on the America Rivers annual endangered rivers list, which names the Lower Colorado River as the most threatened river, due to the significance of the river to human and natural communities, the magnitude of the threat to the river and its nearby communities, and a major decision that the public can help influence in the coming year — which is the renewal of Minute 319. The Colorado River has been designated America’s most endangered river four times since 2003. From Grand Canyon News.

Beware the Wet Year

(April 14, 2017) — This editorial from American Rivers urges readers to not be complacent despite the wet year — and underscores how smart water management and innovating sharing are still needed to sustain the Colorado River basin. From American Rivers.

Business leaders call for global action to reverse the fragmentation of nature

(April 13, 2017) — A first ever, corporate “Call to Action” from The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) to conserve connected landscapes, making the business case for connectivity conservation in its new report. From the Leonardo DeCaprio Foundation.

Colorado River tops nonprofit’s endangered list

(April 12, 2017) —  The nonprofit American Rivers has put the Lower Colorado River at the top of its annual America’s Most Endangered Rivers list in an effort to celebrate recent accomplishments and encourage the Trump Administration to provide the leadership, support, and funding needed to finalize a drought contingency plan. From the Arizona Daily Sun.

These are the nation’s most ‘endangered’ rivers; top dishonor goes to the Lower Colorado River

(April 11, 2017) — Story on the annual report of the most endangered rivers by environmental group American Rivers, citing the Lower Colorado River tops this list, due to the fact that the demand for its water far outstrips its supply. It also reports on the organization’s efforts to reach out to Latino communities about preserving the Colorado River, as one-third of the nation’s Latino population lives in the river basin.  From USA Today.

To These Pastors, Saving the Colorado River Is a Divine Command

(April 16, 2017) —  A story on how Hispanic evangelical pastors have begun to preach a gospel of salvation for the struggling Colorado. These pastors, who connected through word of mouth and informal networks are organizing around a shared Christian belief in being stewards of the earth, sharing conservation tips in their sermons: From the New York Times.

What a River Can Teach Us; Sonoran Institute Blog 

(March 2017) A beautiful story on the impact nature can have on individuals—in this case, an introverted student, who opened up when participating in a visit to the restoration site in Colorado. From the Sonoran Institute Blog.

Stanford ranks states in the Colorado River Basin on water rights transfers

(March 28, 2017) — A new report from Stanford’s Water in the West program assesses progress among states in the Colorado River Basin with respect to environmental water rights transfers, a legal tool that enables water rights holders to voluntarily transfer their water to rivers, streams, and wetlands to benefit the environment and potentially generate revenue; with downloadable research report. From Stanford News.

Report: Climate change a growing factor in fall of Colorado River

(March 14, 2017) —A recent study on the declining Colorado River flows by Overpeck and Udall of Colorado State University found that — while numerous factors contribute — global warming accounted for anywhere from one-sixth to one-half of the decline in Colorado River flows. From Grand Canyon News.

Shaping the 2014 Colorado River Delta pulse flow: Rapid environmental flow design for ecological outcomes and scientific learning

(March 9. 2017) — From members of our Coalition Partners Eloise Kendy and Jenn Pitt, a Case Study on the results of the Minute 319 Pulse Flow, which documents the tradeoffs in designing the program, which led to a flow design that best met the needs of all parties while fully meeting the needs of none. From Science Direct.

Leveraging environmental flows to reform water management policy: Lessons learned from the 2014 Colorado River Delta pulse flow

(March 9, 2017) — From members of our Coalition Partners, a scientific paper on the lessons learned from the Minute 319 Pulse Flow. Included among the key findings were that ecological restoration is possible, even with this small water volume; and that active restoration site preparation and management were key to ecological success. From ScienceDirect.

The Colorado River Is Being Sapped By The Heat

(March 7, 2017) — The Colorado River is being sapped by rising temperatures and its fate is worse than most forecasters realize, according to a new study looking at the effects of climate change. The study concluded that no matter how much it rains or snows, the heat alone is taking a significant toll through evaporation and thirstier plants. From Colorado Public Radio.

Climate change is already reducing flows in the Colorado River, scientists report

(February 27, 2017) —  Experts are warning that the Colorado River — which has been battling drought for the past 15 years — is still facing serious long-term challenges, with the prospect of future warming causing the river’s flow to decline by as much as 35 percent by the end of the century, according to a new study.  From the Washington Post.

A Better Way to Meet America’s Needs: Invest in Nature

(March 3, 2017) — “Conserving our nation’s natural resources is not a partisan issue, and it is not a luxury. Nature is essential to our wellbeing and it offers solutions to some of the greatest economic and security challenges we face.” From The Nature Conservancy Blog.

West’s challenge is still water scarcity, wet winter or not

(February 23, 2017) —  States in the Colorado River basin have been turning a page toward a new era of water management. With climate change affecting water supplies already strained by urban growth, states in the Colorado River basin are being forced to innovate and adapt. From the Christian Science Monitor.

Colorado River Flows to Keep Shrinking as Climate Warms

(February 20, 2017) — New research published by The University of Arizona and Colorado State University is the first to show the large role that warming temperatures are playing in reducing the flows of the Colorado River, according to authors Bradley Udall of CSU and Jonathan Overpeck of the UA. From the University of Arizona News

On the Brink: A Colorado River Q&A with Michael Connor

(February 16, 2017) — Michael Connor, former Deputy Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, has joined the Walton Family Foundation as an Environment Program Fellow. He addresses major issues facing the Colorado River basin, sustainable water management and river restoration in this Q&A feature. From the Walton Family Foundation Blog

Saving the Colorado River before the water runs dry

(February 10, 2017) —The importance of the new administration giving immediate attention to the management and fate of the Colorado River, including working with Mexico to extend and expand the provisions of the 2012 Colorado River agreement that expires at the end of 2017. From The Hill

With new administration, is decades-old treaty with Mexico in danger?

(February 8, 2017) — A discussion on the possible reactions and repercussions of Colorado River management under more a challenging relationship between the U.S. and Mexico. From KSAT 

Trump-Mexico clash seen as threat to critical water talks

(January 30, 2017) —Deteriorating relations between the Trump administration and Mexico could complicate negotiations over Minute 32x, if Colorado River issues between the United States and Mexico are unable to be separated from other binational issues. From E&E News

Conservationists Embrace New Environmental Tool: Water Leasing

(January 20, 2017) — An in-depth look at the creative way water leasing is helping conservationists leverage these tools for environmental purposes. Our coalition partners Osvel Hinojosa of Pronatura Noroeste, The Nature Conservancy, Sonoran Institute and the Colorado River Delta Water Trust are featured. From Ecosystems Marketplace

Big unfinished business for Trump: Colorado River deals, the shrinking Salton Sea

(January 20, 2017) — Outgoing Interior Secretary Sally Jewell laid out a game plan for averting serious water shortages along the Colorado River in a 10-point directive, underscoring the importance of concluding the agreement between the U.S. and Mexican governments to share in reduced water deliveries. From The Desert Sun

Secretary Jewell Directs Continued Work on Crucial Colorado River Basin Water Agreements

(January 18, 2017) —Outgoing U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell issued a Secretarial Order directing the Department of the Interior and its bureaus to continue collaborative efforts to finalize important drought contingency actions and build on recent progress to complete “Minute 32X” – a long-term Colorado River bi-national cooperative agreement with Mexico. From The North Denver News

The next administration must protect the Colorado River Basin

(January 6, 2017) —Opinion piece from the independent Colorado River Future Project with specific recommendations to the new administration concerning the issues that must be addressed immediately to continue on a path of water security in the Colorado River basin. From The Denver Post

Arizona, Mexico Making Progress on New Colorado River Treaty

(December 28, 2016) — Optimistic update on Minute 319 renewal negotiations; From Arizona Science & Innovation

U.S. and Mexico push to extend accord on Colorado River

(December 16, 2016) — Report on the renegotiation efforts of Minute 32X, including a mention that the Trump transition team was asked for comment, yet did not respond. From the San Diego Union-Tribune

Pronatura Noroeste recibió el Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2016

(December 6, 2016) — Report on the awarding of Mexico’s Ecological Merit Award to Pronatura Noroeste on December 4 — congratulations!!! From the Pronatura Noroeste Blog

Trump win churns U.S.-Mexico water talks

(November 26, 2016) — Negotiators from both nations are hustling to finish a new agreement for sharing water from the Colorado River — before President Barack Obama leaves office. From Politico

Drought, Climate Change, and Existential Threats in the Colorado River Basin

(November 20, 2016) — Overview of issues impacting the shortage of water in the Colorado River basin, and efforts to solve this problem. From Mountain Town News

The Trump effect on U.S.-Mexico water talks

(November 21, 2016) — Negotiators are pressing to finish a new water-sharing between the U.S. and Mexico – the current agreement expires at the end of 2017, and the pressure is rising ahead of potential supply cuts that could kick in in 2018 along the river that provides the lifeblood of much of the American southwest. From Politico

Colorado River Delta Ecosystem Blooms After Historic Water Release

(November 11, 2016) — It has been proven that the Colorado River Delta has benefited from the releases of water that resulted from and agreement between the U.S. and Mexico. Help ensure this corporation on behalf of this region continues. Read, and be sure to take the action suggested at the end of the article to help encourage further flows…From the National Audubon Society Blog

Our Response to the 2016 Presidential Election

(November 10, 2016) — Excellent thought piece by coalition partner, Sonoran Institute. Included is the perspective on the pending renegotiation of Minute 319. From the Sonoran Institute Blog

Opportunity for recovering population of Yellow-billed Cuckoo

(November 2, 2016) — A report on the August 2016 workshop on Training Monitoring Techniques for the endangered Yellow-billed Cuckoo species, by Pronatura Noroeste in collaboration with Southern Sierra Research Station and Sonoran Joint Venture. From the Pronatura Blog

Study: Next US President Must Act Fast on Colorado River

(November 1, 2016) — Reporting on The Colorado River Future Project, a research study by the University of Colorado of policy- and decision-makers It cites as among the most urgent needs being to extend the pact signed in 2012 between the U.S. and Mexico — Minute 319. The study also states that treaty negotiations involving the International Boundary and Water Commission are “at a decisive stage, and should not be derailed by unrelated political considerations.”  From VOA

Two Years Later, Water Release Continues to Bring Life to Colorado River Delta

(November 1, 2016) —Two years following the 2014 release of one-hundred-six-thousand acre-feet of water from Morelos Dam near Yuma into the parched Colorado River Delta — part of a joint environmental effort between the U.S. and Mexico —researchers say the results are positive. From KAWC News/BBC

Top Four Scientific Results of the Pulse Flow

(October 31, 2016) —Highlights of the Interim Report issued by the International Boundary Water Commission, United States and Mexico sections, outlining the scientific results to date of the 2014 “pulse flow” of water into the Colorado River Delta. From The Nature Conservancy Blog

UA Scientists study effects of 2014 ‘pulse flow’ in the Colorado River Delta

(October 29, 2016) —The International Boundary and Water Commission reported on the beneficial impacts of an engineered flood of the Colorado River delta in 2014. Scientists from the UA, as well as from the Nature Conservancy and the Sonoran Institute, contributed to the report. From The Daily Wildcat

Colorado River River Delta Still Thrives 2 Years after Dam Flow

(October 28, 2016) Two growing seasons after the water release, a monitoring team has found it supported bird life and plant life while recharging the groundwater in the delta. From Arizona Public Media

Ever wonder what Minutes have to do with Water?

(October 26, 2016) — There’s been a lot of news coverage on a recent report about our historic work in the Colorado River Delta. Just hearing about it? Our newest blog post answers your FAQ’s and gets you up to speed with our groundbreaking environmental project. From Sonoran Institute

Manmade Flood Gives Life to Colorado River Delta

(October 26, 2016) —A profile of our Colorado River program & how it is restoring life to the Delta; From Circle of Blue

Colorado River Delta flood keep paying off

(October 26, 2016) —Two growing seasons after the engineered spring flood of the Colorado River Delta in 2014, the delta’s birds, plants, and groundwater continue to benefit, according to a new report. From Futurity

A River Ran Through it and Brought Life, At Least for a While

(October 24, 2016) U.S. Geological Survey scientists are studying the effects on the environment of the 2014 pulse flow of water into the into the mostly dry delta of the Colorado River along the U.S.-Mexico border, as part of a historic, bi-national collaborative effort. From United States Geological Survey (press release)

More birds, new trees after Colorado River ‘pulse flow’

(October 24, 2016) —Fresh stands of cottonwood and willow trees rising in the Colorado River Delta are evidence of the lasting environmental benefits an eight-week “pulse flow” of water deliveries to the area more than two years ago, according to a newly released report by U.S. and Mexican scientists. From The San Diego Union-Tribune

‘Farming Nature’ helps restore Colorado Delta cottonwoods, willows

(October 24, 2016) — The International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) published a study indicating that pulse flows in the Colorado River Basin could help restore the native environment: the study finds that native flora and fauna could return to the long-dried-out Colorado River channel. Jennifer Pitt from the National Audubon Society is quoted. From Arizona Daily Star

Pulses of Water Bring Life to the Famished Colorado River Delta

(October 21, 2016) —The Colorado River is one of the world’s most endangered rivers. But recent pulses of water have started to bring life back to the famished region. From National Audubon Society

Two Years After the Colorado Pulse Flow — An Abundance of Life

(October 21, 2016) —Two growing seasons after the 2014 engineered “pulse flow” release of water by the International Boundary Water Commission to help restore the Colorado River delta, it appears that birds, plants and groundwater in the delta have indeed been benefitted from it. From Earth Island Journal

Colorado River Delta still benefiting from flood experiment

(October 21, 2016) —The Colorado River Delta captured in a 2004 image from the International Space Station. Via NASA Earth Observatory. From Summit County Citizens Voice

Celebrating the Mexicali Fluye Project

(October 21, 2016) — The Sonoran Institute’s new and innovative program is transforming Mexicali’s drainages from dumping grounds to community assets. From Sonoran Institute

Colorado River Delta Flows Help Birds, Plants, Groundwater

(October 19, 2016) — Two growing seasons after the 2014 engineered spring flood, the delta’s birds, plants and groundwater continue to benefit, according to a report by a binational, UA-led team. From UA College of Science – University of Arizona

The future of water in the Southwest

(October 4-10, 2016) — A three-part series examining the work ASU is doing to protect water as a resource in the arid West. Part 1 looks at the current situation and how we got here; Part 2 explores science and research, and Part 3 discusses law, policy, challenges — and some good news. From ASU: Part 1Part 2Part 3

Sonoran Institute y su misión de volver a la vida el delta del río Colorado

(October 10, 2016) — Desde hace 20 años la asociación civil Sonoran Institute vienetrabajando en la zona, lossitios de restauración están ubicados en el valle de Mexicali, dondesehanplantado miles de árboles nativos con ayuda de voluntarios, escuelas y sociedaden general. From SCIRE

Pay to save: Commission offers $1.8 million to leave Colorado River untouched

(October 7, 2016) — The Upper Colorado River Commission will fund $1.8 million in pilot projects if Colorado River users in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming are willing to reduce their consumptive use of the water. The effort is testing what works in a drought. From Desert News Utah

Why We Fight Over Water, and How We Can Save Ourselves

(September 19, 2016) — This article discusses John Fleck’s new book Water Is for Fighting Over: And Other Myths About Water in the West, his background in environmental reporting, and his research on the Colorado River Basin. From Outside

Death by Drops: The Compounding of Water Loss

(September 16, 2016) — This interview with Peter McBride focuses on McBride’s passion for water conservation, from dubbing himself a  “reductionarian” to offering suggestions on how to conserve water at home. From GearJunkie

Maybe the West’s Water Wars Aren’t as Bad as You Think

(September 20, 2016) — A review of John Fleck’s new book, Water Is for Fighting Over: And Other Myths About Water in the West and interview with Fleck detailing how the book illustrates how states, communities, and water rights holders have learned that the winner-takes-all approach to water management is a losing proposition. From Wired

Pronatura wins Mexico’s Ecological Merit Awards

(September 14, 2016) — Article congratulating Pronatura on this award, and detailing its work in protecting birdlife, and their many other achievements in conservation. From BirdLife International

Mexico’s SEMARNAP Announces Winners of 2016 Ecological Merit Awards /Semarnat da a conocer resultados del Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2016

(August 31, 2016)— ProNatura Noroeste awarded the 2016 Ecological Merit Award in the category of Social/Community…congratulations! From the Mexico Government’s website, Gob.mx.

Desert Alive

(August 23, 2016) — Personal account by Gabriela Gonzalez-Olimon of the Sonoran Institute, on how a student trip to the Colorado River Delta led to her journey to help reclaim the beauty of what was once one of the largest estuaries in the world. From the Sonoran Institute Blog

Investing Our Way Out of the Global Water Crisis

(August 22, 2016) — Report and white paper on how finance, farming and freshwater conservation are becoming increasingly connected; includes the Colorado River Delta. From The Nature Conservancy

‘Climate change is water change’ — why the Colorado River System is headed for major trouble

(August 19, 2016) – Experts agree that they must be a collaborative effort among all the beneficiaries of the Colorado River system, following a new report issued by the Bureau of Reclamation on future impacts of the drought on the Colorado River system. Featuring comments by Raise the River coalition partners Jennifer Pitt, the National Audubon Society’s Colorado River project director, and Taylor Hawes, The Nature Conservancy’s Colorado River program director. From The Washington Post

Smarter Water Decisions Could Help End the West’s Dry Run

(Summer 2016) — Overview of Audubon’s work to help ensure that new water-saving rules protect and restore habitat for birds and other wildlife, and speaks about their work in the Colorado River Delta. From Audubon Magazine

Honor the Colorado River by protecting it

(July 24, 2016) — Celebrating and reflecting on what this mighty river means in our daily lives and to our history, in honor of Colorado River Day. From The Daily Sentinel

Partnering to sustain the Colorado River for people and nature

(July 24, 2016) — An opportunity for innovative, collaborative approaches for increased partnerships between government, producers, recreational interests and conservation groups on behalf of the Colorado River. The Montrose Press story is here


(Julio 2016) — Story on the Colorado River Delta, and Raise the River’s work to restore it, featuring an interview with Francisco Zamora. Read the story, from Frontera Norte

The Colorado River’s unexpected carbon footprint

(July 26, 2016) — Flooding a dry riverbed restored vegetation, but released unexpected methane and carbon dioxide, leading researchers to observe that the cost of drying out rivers are greater than we knew. Read the full story from High Country News, here

Building a New Future for the Colorado River

(July 12, 2016) — Overview of the National Audubon’s Colorado River Project, and interview with its new Director, Jennifer Pitt, on how we can work together to save the river — also speaking to the importance of restoring the Delta. Read the full story on the Audubon Blog, here

Tracking cultural ecosystem services: water chasing the Colorado River restoration pulse flow

(July 2016 edition) – Using the Colorado River “pulse flow” as an example, this research paper tracks the two-way feedbacks between humans and environmental flows. Read the full report from Science Direct, here 

Restoring the Colorado River Estuary

(June 2016) – An overview of what the Sonoran Institute and their partners are doing successfully in the Colorado River Delta’s estuary to help restore one of the great wetlands of North America. Read the full story, on the Sonoran Institute Blog, here

Sally Jewell sees progress in Colorado River talks

(May 5, 2016) – Interior Secretary Jewell sees important progress on a new bi-national accord for the Colorado River. Read the full story from The Desert Sun, here

NatGeo photographer talks fresh water at MPAC 

(April 21, 2016) – NatGeo photographer talks fresh water at MPAC, and connects attendees in New Jersey to the Colorado River. Read the full story and watch the video on USA Today: Daily Record, here

A River’s Return

(April 2016) – A look at the progress and impact of the return of water to the Colorado River Delta, one year after the pulse flow. Read the full story from Edible Baja Magazine, here

How much drinking and fighting can the Colorado River take? 

(April 1, 2016) – Essay on the state of the Colorado River. Read the story from CNN, here

How water markets and impact investment can help save the Colorado River

(April 2016) – Interview with Season Martin, water projects director for the Colorado River Program. Read more from The Nature Conservancy Blog, here

Saving the Colorado River, One Wave at a Time

(February 25, 2016) – Audubon’s work to help protect the Colorado, featuring Jenn Pitt. Read more, from Audubon, here

It’s Time to Restore the Flow of our Planet’s Life-Giving Waters

(February 11, 2016) – Highlights the restoration/flows taking place in the Colorado River Delta. Read more from ENSIA, here

The Deal That Brought the Colorado River Back to the Sea

(January 26, 2016) Recap of Minute 319, and how it led to the pulse flow. Read the full story from Yes! Magazine, here

Eloise Kendy: Raise The River Update

(January 8, 2016) – Update on the progress in the Colorado River Delta since the pulse flow. Read more from The Nature Conservancy, here

Lifeline in a Desert – The Colorado River in Three Stories

(December 18, 2015) – A broadcast sharing stories of the Colorado River, including the story of the pulse flow. Listen in, from Utah Public Radio, here

 Fly to Save the Earth

(December 2015) – How an army of volunteer pilots help conservationists survey an endangered planet. Read the full story, from Air & Space Smithsonian, here

Univision: Colorado river: Hispanics to the rescue

(September 17, 2015) – A stunning and comprehensive multi-part story on how the Hispanic community is contributing to the restoration of the Colorado River, featuring members of the Raise the River team. Watch the video and read the full story from Univision, here

New Belgium Brewing Flies the Delta

(July 23, 2015) – Lighthawk takes key participants up in the air to see the progress in the Colorado River Delta, to support New Belgium Brewing’s Corporate Support. Read more, on the Lighthawk blog, here

A River’s Return

(July-August 2015) Cover story on how the Colorado River Meets its Delta. Read the full story on Edible Baja Arizona, here

Sustainability Stories – Minute 319

(July 9, 2015) – While stories of water conflict and shortage seem all-too-common, there are some great examples of progress out there that keep us paddling. Read more on the New Belgium Blog, here

Mexican canal lining brings cross-border dividends

(July 4, 2015) – Farmers like Neftali Torres Campos have been waiting for decades for the lining of Canal Revolución, which conveys water from the Colorado River to their fields south of the Arizona border. Read the full story from the San Diego Union Tribune, here

The River’s Return

(June/July 2015) – The quiet resurrection of the dry Colorado River. Read the full story from The Nature Conservancy Magazine, here

From the Mississippi to the Tigris: River restoration lessons travel far

(June 2, 2015) The Colorado River Delta offers lessons on river management in other parts of the world. Read the story from the EDF Blog, here

Flying the Colorado River Pulse

(May 27, 2015) – Recollections from volunteer pilot Bob Allen on his flights surveying the Colorado River Delta. Read more on the Lighthawk blog, here

Where the River Runs Dry

(May 25, 2015) – The Colorado and America’s water crisis. Read the full story from The New Yorker, here

One year later, a look at a historic agreement that reconnected the Colorado River with the Gulf of California

(May 14, 2015) – Since 1960, the Colorado river hasn’t reached the Gulf, except during a few very wet years. That changed last year… Read the full story from Tucson News Now, here

Mapping the Colorado River Delta – a recognition that Mexico is a part of the basin

(May 13, 2015) – On the heels of the enormously successful Minute 319 environmental pulse flow down through that Mexican Delta, a quiet recognition that the Colorado River Basin is a thing changed. Read the full story from Inkstain.net, here

Good News from the U.S.-Mexican Border

(May 3, 2015) – No, that wasn’t a mirage. It was actually water—the Colorado River—flowing through a desert riverbed that hadn’t seen it in decades. Read the full story from AllGov, here

Eloise Kendy: One Year Later

(May 2015) – Conservancy scientist Eloise Kendy travels a familiar road to see the results of last year’s historic water release. Read the full story, from The Nature Conservancy, here

River Network Announces 2015 River Heroes Award Winners

(April 28, 2015) – Five leaders from the river and water conservation community have been recognized by River Network for their exceptional personal and professional achievements in support of healthy rivers – including our own Jennifer Pitt, for her work as Colorado River Project Director, Environmental Defense Fund.  Read the full story from the River Network, here

US-Mexico water pact brings life back to Colorado River’s parched delta

(April 27, 2015) – A single pulse flow of water reconnects the ‘American Nile’ with the Sea of Cortez for the first time in decades. Read the full story from Al Jazeera America, here

Colorado River Pulse Flow ‘Has Long-Lasting Effects’

(April 15, 2015) – One year ago the governments of the U.S. and Mexico worked together on a historic project to send water down the parched Colorado River Delta in Mexico. Read the full story from Arizona Public Media, here

Move the Ocean

(January 29, 2015) – Robert Redford & Will Ferrell in Colorado River Spoof: Raise the River vs. Move the Ocean. Read more, on Democracy Now, here

Eloise Kendy: Six Months After the Pulse Flow

(January 2015) – Conservancy scientist Eloise Kendy returns to the Colorado River Delta to see the results of the historic release of water. Read more, from The Nature Conservancy, here

Vegetation Response to Lower Colorado River pulse flow in 2014

(December 23, 2014) – It was 2000 the last time the Colorado River reached the Sea of Cortez, and over that time there has been a decline in the amount of healthy vegetation along the lower reaches of the river. Watch the video, from LandSat/NASA, here

With Water Life Returns to the Colorado River

(December 19, 2014) – Last spring, on the eighth day of the release of Colorado River water into its channel at the US-Mexico border – an event known as the “pulse flow” – I witnessed something extraordinary… Read the full story, from National Geographic, here

Saving the Colorado River Delta, One Habitat at a Time

(December 15, 2014) – A trickle of water is being returned to a few parts of the dried-out delta—and those parts are blooming. Read the full story, from National Geographic, here

Special water delivery benefits Colorado River Delta

(Dec. 10, 2014) A binational effort aimed at reviving parched wetlands in the Colorado River Delta in Mexico through special deliveries of water has met with initial success, according to a report released Wednesday. Scientists from the United States and Mexico are noting recharged aquifers, increased vegetation and an increased presence of migratory birds in open water areas since last spring’s “pulse flow,” which infused 105,392 acre-feet of water from Lake Mead into the delta during an eight-week period, the report states. Read the entire San Diego Tribune article

Initial Progress Report – Colorado River Pulse Flow – International Boundary and Water Commission: US and Mexico

(December 4, 2014) Based on ongoing monitoring efforts tracking the results of the Pulse Flow, this initial progress report from a bi-national commission reports on the effects and impacts it has had to date on the Colorado River Delta.  Read the entire Progress Report

Down by the River

(November – December 2014) – A story recalling the past, when the Sonoran Desert city of Yuma, Arizona, was a true river town. Read how the town has changed, with the departure of its indigenous residents and because of the current reality without water in its river.  Read the full article from Orion Magazine here

A River Resurrected

(November 26, 2014) – For the first time in more than 60 years, the Colorado River has reunited with the Sea of Cortez. Named one of the magazine’s Top Stories of 2014.Read the full story from Discover Magazine, here

When A River Doesn’t Run Through It – Pete McBride talks about his work on the Colorado River and the Ganges

(November 26, 2014) – Photographer and filmmaker Pete McBride is a lover of rivers. His work has focused on rivers around the world. In the United States, McBride’s photos and films have centered on the Colorado River, reminding us that the entire Southwest depends upon the Colorado River watershed. Read the full article from Earth Island Journal here

Channeling the Colorado River Delta Back From the Dead

(October 15, 2014) – As a matter of geographic trivia, did you ever wonder where the Colorado River drains into the ocean? That’s actually kind of a trick question: it doesn’t. Like too many of the world’s great rivers today — the Ganges, the Yellow, the Nile, for other distressing examples — the Colorado River never makes it to the ocean in any recognizable form. Read the full article from The Huffington Post here

Back on Course

(September 15, 2014) – The Colorado River is the lifeblood of the American Southwest. Can an historic agreement bring back its waters? Read the full story, from Scholastic.com, here

A River Running

(September 4, 2014) – If Boulder Creek dried up, and the bridge on Broadway spanned nothing but an empty stretch of sand, and it stayed that way for decades, eventually people would forget what it had meant to see a stream running there. To have place to put feet in the water, a green bank on which to sit, a surge to seed the cottonwoods and willows downstream, an exhale from the mountains when the snow unpacks itself into melt water each spring. Read the full article from the Boulder Weekly here

Different channels to a ‘living river’

(August 5, 2014) – “You’ve got to deal with people, farmers, companies, everyone,” Sandra Postel told me last week when I asked about the work she’s doing trying to find environmentally sustainable solutions to western North America’s water problems.

In other words, you’ve got to cooperate. Read the full Albuquerque Journal article here

An acting legend explains a problem. A hilarious comedian explains how to fix it — the American way.

(July 24, 2014) – In honor of Colorado River Day, a humorous look at a serious problem, featuring Robert Redford and Will Ferrell. Read more, from Upworthy, here

Well, I’ll Be Un-Dammed: Colorado River (Briefly) Reached The Sea

(July 13, 2014) – For a few weeks this spring, the Colorado River flowed all the way to the sea for the first time in a half a century. And during that window of opportunity, writer Rowan Jacobsen took the paddleboarding trip of a lifetime. Read the full WUWM article here

With help from a flood, scientists and activists nurse a bit of the Colorado River Delta back to life

(June 23, 2014) – About 150 miles east of San Diego, Morelos Dam stops the Colorado River in its tracks right at the US-Mexico border. Here, the last stretch of the once-mighty river is diverted from its natural path into an irrigation canal, bound for Mexican farms. It’s been this way for most of the last half century. But then, for a few weeks this spring, it suddenly wasn’t. Read the full PRI article

Water War Bubbling up Between California and Arizona

(June 20, 2014) – Once upon a time, California and Arizona went to war over water. The year was 1934, and Arizona was convinced that the construction of Parker Dam on the lower Colorado River was merely a plot to enable California to steal its water rights. Its governor, Benjamin Moeur, dispatched a squad of National Guardsmen up the river to secure the eastern bank from the decks of the ferryboat Julia B. — derisively dubbed “Arizona’s navy” by a Times war correspondent assigned to cover the skirmish. After the federal government imposed a truce, the guardsmen returned home as “conquering heroes.” Read the LOS ANGELES TIMES article.

Colorado River Researchers find signs of Ancient, Devasting Floods

(June 19, 2014) – Scientists say it would have been a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. If the Glen Canyon Dam had failed, it would have changed the lives of millions of people and reshaped the history of the American West.  Read the LOS ANGELES TIMES article.

Vanishing Water

(June 15, 2014) – The biggest reservoir in the United States is dropping 1 foot each week. Lake Mead’s rapidly sinking water level is set to reach an all-time low in July, driven down by a 14-year drought that scientists say is one of the most severe to hit the Colorado River in more than 1,200 years.  Read the DESERT SUN article.

Colorado River Delta Begins to Come Back from the Dead

(June 12, 2014) – The temperature had finally dropped below 100 degrees as Juan Butrón and Alejandra Calvo set out toward the bank of the Colorado River, about 10 miles south of the Mexican border town Algodones. Watch the video and read the complete story from KPBS, here

The Day We Set the Colorado River Free

(June 10, 2014) – It’s been more than 50 years since the Colorado River regularly reached the sea. But this spring, the U.S. and Mexico let the water storm through its natural delta for a grand experiment in ecological restoration. As the dam gates opened, a small band of river rats caught a once-in-a-lifetime ride.  Read the OUTSIDE MAGAZINE article.

The River Runs to It… Again

(June 2014) – Thanks to an historic agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, water—and hope—have returned to the Colorado River Delta. Read more, from The Nature Conservancy, here

A Historic Course Change on the Colorado River

U.S. Mexico Experiment Aims to Resurrect the Colorado River Delta

(March 23, 2014)  – The mighty Colorado River, which over millenniums has carved the Grand Canyon, does an unusual thing when it gets south of the Arizona-Mexico border. It dies. The Morelos Dam — sitting on the international boundary — serves as its headstone, diverting nearly all of the river water into an aqueduct that serves agriculture as well as homes in Tijuana. But starting Sunday, the river will flow again, part of an unprecedented experiment by U.S. and Mexican officials.  Read the full LA TIMES article.

Historic “Pulse Flow” Brings Water to Parched Colorado River Delta

(March 22, 2014) – On March 23, 2014, the gates of Morelos Dam on the Arizona-Mexico border will be lifted to allow a “pulse flow” of water into the final stretch of the Colorado River. Officials and scientists hope the water will help restore a landscape that has long been arid but that once supported a rich diversity of life.  Read the full NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC article.

This World Water Day, Something Big to Celebrate

(March 21, 2014) – On Monday, March 24, I leave on a trip to witness an event I thought I’d never see: the Colorado River flowing through it’s delta to the sea. Except in years of unusually high precipitation in it’s watershed, the Colorado hasn’t coursed through it’s delta for most of the last half century.  It’s entire flow – powerful enough to carve the Grand Canyon – is dammed and diverted to supply burgeoning cities and farmlands.  Read the full NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC article.

Water Returns to Arid Colorado River Delta

(March 18, 2014) – On 23 March, operators at the Morelos Dam along the US–Mexico border near Yuma, Arizona, will open the gates and begin releasing water downstream. The goal is to dampen broad swathes of the arid Colorado River delta for the first time in decades, allowing new cottonwood and willow trees to germinate and restore small patches of riparian habitat.  Read the full NATURE article.

Will Ferrell and Robert Redford fight for Colorado River

(March 18, 2014) – Leave it to a comedy A-lister and a legendary actor to help make a PSA-style video about a river basin and climate change worth watching. Read the story, on MSNBC, here

New Hope for the Delta

(March 17, 2014) – Just outside the dusty Mexican town of Carranza, Francisco Zamora wheels his Toyota pickup off the highway and down a gravel road along an irrigation canal. To one side, irregular farm fields flash by, fringed with reeds, sunflowers and an occasional shaggy palm. On the other side lies the bone-dry bed of the Colorado River. Straitjacketed between two levees roughly a mile apart and choked with mean, gray-green tamarisk, or salt cedar, it nonetheless has an emphatic presence – like a prehistoric creature waiting to rumble back to life.  Read the full HIGH COUNTRY NEWS article.

Will Ferrell and Robert Redford Make a Hilarious PSA for the Colorado River

(March 16, 2014) – Everyone knows the fastest way to spread the word about a topic is to get it to “go viral,” especially with an eminently shareable video — and that’s just what happened with the issue of the ever-drying Colorado River when Will Ferrell and Robert Redford teamed up to make a PSA about it. The clip starts out like just about any other issue ad — soaring orchestral music, majestic Planet Earth-style tracking shots of landscape, as Redford calmly and thoughtfully lays out his case for the importance of reconnecting the Colorado River with the ocean.  Read the full BUSTLE article.

Deluge to Bring Wetlands Back 

(March 15, 2014) – A gush of water reminiscent of the spring floods that once slaked lush wetlands here will surge past the dusty U.S. border next weekend and — with luck — carry the Southwest’s grandest river to the sea for the first time since 1998. For half a century, the Colorado River’s great dams and the 30 million people who siphon water from the reservoirs ­behind them have effectively killed the river at Morelos Dam, west of Yuma.  Read the full AZ CENTRAL article.

Water Release May Revive Colorado River Delta

(March 14, 2014) – The Colorado River Delta will bloom once again if everything goes according to plan. Beginning March 23, U.S. and Mexican officials will release more than 105,000 acre-feet of water through the last dam on the Colorado River over an eight-week period.  Read the full IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS article.

Will Ferrell Takes on Robert Redford for BSSP, Raise the River

(March 13, 2014) – Sausalito, CA-based Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners are rolling out a new campaign today for Raise the River, “an organization that has been working to bring water to the Colorado River and restore it to the Gulf of California.”  Read more, from AdWeek/Media Bistro, here

Robert Redford, Will Ferrell and Kelly Slater Feud Over Best Solution for Restoring Colorado River Delta

(March 13, 2014) Actors Robert Redford and Will Ferrell, along with Professional Surfer Kelly Slater, are lending their creativity and talent to support Raise the River, a campaign designed to help breathe life back into the Colorado River Delta. The campaign aims to raise $10 million by 2017 to restore a 70-mile stretch of river and wetland habitat and to benefit the communities of the long-neglected Delta. Raise the River, working with like-minded partners in the United States and Mexico, is giving the public an opportunity to be part of restoring the Colorado River as the life force of the American West. Click here for more information from RAISE THE RIVER.

Young Farmer Saves Water in Innovative Ways

On a cold and dry December Friday, Zach Hauser is getting ready for a weekend of hunting. The next morning at about 4 a.m., he and a handful of friends will make a nearly three-hour uphill trek into the Arizona woods. There they will tread quietly looking for elk and whitetail deer. On occasion, they come across a mountain lion. They will probably return late the same night, but “if we get something, we might stay the night and sleep on the ground,” Hauser says. “It’s better to carry it back in the morning.”  Read the full NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC article.

A Pulse of Life at the Mouth of the Colorado

(March 10, 2014) – A river bled dry by thirsty cities and farms in two countries will flow once again through northern Mexico later this month in an international experiment in habitat restoration. Beginning March 23, the last dam on the Colorado River will open its gates to unleash a man-made flood that is scheduled to last eight weeks and send more than 100,000 acre-feet of water to the river’s delta, the biggest flood in decades.  Read the full LAS VEGAS REVIEW article.

Colorado River Delta to Receive Infusion of Water

(March 4, 2014) – The United States and Mexico plan to collaborate this month on a pilot project aimed at restoring wetlands in the Colorado River delta in Baja California through a one-time high-volume delivery of river water, a move hailed as historic by environmental groups on both sides of the border.  Read the full U-T SAN DIEGO article.

US and Mexico to Send Water into Parched Delta

(March 3, 2014)  The U.S. and Mexican governments have approved a plan to carry out a historic and vital step in advancing cooperative management of the binational Colorado River. The two governments, acting through the U.S. and Mexican sections of the International Boundary and Water Commission, are moving forward with a pilot “pulse flow” of water into the long-depleted delta of the Colorado River, where water has not flowed regularly since 1960. Read the full SONORAN INSTITUTE release.

Scientists Plan for Grand Experiment in Colorado River Delta

(December 12, 2013) – Once written off as dying of thirst and beyond revival, the delta of the Colorado River is slated to get a rejuvenating flood that for scientists offers a unique opportunity: the chance to study how plants, trees, birds, fisheries, and the vast delta ecosystem as a whole respond to an experimental pulse of river water.  Read the full NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC article.