Happy Colorado River Day: Students in the Delta Campaign!

Colorado River Day is honored each year on July 25th as a day in which people come together across divides in support of maintaining a sustainable Colorado River. We’re celebrating this mighty river that we are helping to restore by launching a new fundraising campaign to bring students from the Delta region to our Laguna Grande restoration site.

From July 25 to October 31, Raise the River is looking to raise $1,500 in donations to support 300 Student Field Visits to our new Interactive Center at the Laguna Grande Restoration Site. These visits help foster a sense of connection to the Colorado River in a generation of youth that has grown up without ever experiencing the river flow alongside their towns.

This area of the Delta is now dry and barren, with the exception of a collection of restoration sites. Through active management at these sites, we are working to bring water and life back to this region.

Join us – any amount will help! – and be a part of this campaign to connect local students with the Colorado River. Visit our Rally Fundraising site to donate, and be a part of bringing water and life back to the Colorado River Delta region.

Thank you!