“You know how they say, ‘You can’t love what you don’t know?’ Well, this is why we need to reach out to people who don’t know what the deal with the river is. Reaching out with the Local Natives is a fantastic way into thousands of people’s hearts,” says Gaby Gonzalez, Environmental Education Coordinator at… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Water
Conflict is probably the most frequently used word in stories about water in the U.S. West. The word represents the seriousness of global water issues, from the drought-prone areas of Asia to the infrastructure-poor countries of central and southern Africa. Is the future one of litigation amidst an increasingly unsustainable economy and its growing uncertainty?… Read more »
Curious how far the pulse flow has gotten? Check out this handy tagged map scientists have been using to track the water.
If you’ve found us, you already know a little bit about who we are and what we are working to accomplish. In 2012, we hit a milestone. That’s when the U.S. and Mexican governments included Delta restoration provisions in an historic, binational water-sharing agreement known as Minute 319. Our current goal is to raise… Read more »