Posts Tagged: colorado river
Juan Butron Mendez, a 63-year-old farmer … said he vividly remembers the rapid current of the river when he was 4 years old in the Mexicali Valley, about 30 miles south of the border. ‘The water surged so strong there were large whirlpools swirling with oranges, grapefruits and trees,” Butron recalled. U.S.-Mexico experiment aims to… Read more »
Report Shows Unanimous Support for Colorado River Conservation
“Mapping the River Ahead,” a new report by Carpe Diem West, provides an insightful discussion of solutions for the Colorado River Basin. The authors conducted anonymous interviews with more than 30 “water leaders” (disclosure, I was among them) representing a broad range of sectors and locations. The anonymous process was a useful strategy to get a… Read more »
If you’ve found us, you already know a little bit about who we are and what we are working to accomplish. In 2012, we hit a milestone. That’s when the U.S. and Mexican governments included Delta restoration provisions in an historic, binational water-sharing agreement known as Minute 319. Our current goal is to raise… Read more »